2,659 clayman0

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joined 9.0 years ago

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i made this a while ago
it's cringey i know
Hello and welcome to my profile here you can find planes and you knew that didn't you well I'll just tell you how I got into this game. I stated to get an interest in planes and I tried multiple games like plane simulator but I don't have a good pc so that didn't work and I didn't have a joystick but then I found this game which I fell in love with it does need you to have a beast of a pc or a joystick but this game still made me buy one. Fun fact that joystick was normally $80 but I got it on eBay for $10 in good condition nothing wrong with it except 1 scratch. But that's pretty much what happen to get me into the game my content is slowed because I'm a bit bored of the game but I'm hoping to get back into it so check for that cya