@MrSilverWolf my Wisconsin state fish is a Muskie. I have never caught a trout but I have been close even though there are thousands of trout streams in Wisconsin there is not one in my county.
@BATTLEGAMER101 so one of the tractors (the john Deere) has the cockpit on it. so what I did is I took the Minneapolis and made a sub assemblies and I turned the Minneapolis around and connected them together. that just about it
@Skylerthedrawer not this one https://www.google.com/search?q=john+deere+4020+hard+top&rlz=1C1VFKBenUS614US675&sxsrf=ALeKk01fwR2kImfzv-yK7a9gH8-MatCBvw:1605137183878&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=h6JmzwE5epabwM%252CJ0IpLkGQyteEKM%252C&vet=1&usg=AI4-kQlZ1XR1iZhB4dAAiwDVpWy-5hhQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwighqT90fvsAhXOHM0KHRoKAnUQ9QF6BAgKEAY#imgrc=h6JmzwE5epabwM
@xboxseriesx yeah its been awhile
how about a RPM gauge for cars?
@dumbcrap1234 its not dumb its fun and is amazing for taking out ships
@winterro is this fictional?
@MrSilverWolf my Wisconsin state fish is a Muskie. I have never caught a trout but I have been close even though there are thousands of trout streams in Wisconsin there is not one in my county.
@MrSilverWolf I have caught a muskie because it is my state fish what is your state fish
@MrSilverWolf do you fish a lot
@MrSilverWolf ever catch a muskie
@winterro I love playing with these type of vehicles
or current breaks
are you fly fishing? if so a caddis imitation is really good in rivers and streams.
look for eddies
@winterro you should build a 150 case steam tractor.
@winterro pc
@winterro same here thanks
can you do me a favor and remove the fuselage glass because I have a older version
@Skylerthedrawer thanks
love it
+1@Skylerthedrawer I just started building them and it takes some skill but I will get their the newer ones are more complex.
@Skylerthedrawer well the reason I don't do modern day tractors is because they are a lot harder. but I will get there eventually
@Skylerthedrawer how big and it will be awhile because I got to catch up on my school work because I was build tractors for you guys.
@human2019 some times
@BATTLEGAMER101 so one of the tractors (the john Deere) has the cockpit on it. so what I did is I took the Minneapolis and made a sub assemblies and I turned the Minneapolis around and connected them together. that just about it
@Skylerthedrawer the one with the cockpit is the allis
@hpgbproductions so I just copy it and paste it right to simple planes?
@hpgbproductions ok ill try thanks
@XP im confused
@XP ?
@Skylerthedrawer better grip here at my house we have a farm in Wisconsin and we have a 4020 and a 4040 and a 6430
@hpgbproductions how do I do that
i cant use the mod hardly because the inspector is half way off the screen and i cant move it. so im stuck
+2@CarnationRED it would be cool if there was a mod where you can adjust the torque and sound of the car engine.
@Skylerthedrawer all thanks to you guys
@hpgbproductions after i launch the mod when it brings me right to mods i cant find it on my list of mods.
oh I see
@Skylerthedrawer highlight and right click then it says go to. then click that.
@Skylerthedrawer not this one https://www.google.com/search?q=john+deere+4020+hard+top&rlz=1C1VFKBenUS614US675&sxsrf=ALeKk01fwR2kImfzv-yK7a9gH8-MatCBvw:1605137183878&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=h6JmzwE5epabwM%252CJ0IpLkGQyteEKM%252C&vet=1&usg=AI4-kQlZ1XR1iZhB4dAAiwDVpWy-5hhQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwighqT90fvsAhXOHM0KHRoKAnUQ9QF6BAgKEAY#imgrc=h6JmzwE5epabwM
@Skylerthedrawer could you do me a favor and hit the spotlight button?
@Skylerthedrawer your welcome
im sad it dont work for me i was going to do so much fun stuff with it to.
the next tractor I build is a old Minneapolis @Skyler101
WOOHOOO!!!! I made it to silver@Skyler101
yes sir@Skyler101
@Skyler101 thank you so much it not easy though
@Skyler101 yeah
@Skyler101 thanks any ideas
@Skyler101 it the kicking fish made in to helicopter
@Skyler101 yeah I was going to put an exaust mod but then I thought right not everyone can use mods