I like the basic design with the propeller hatch and the missles but there are some flaws with it. The missles get stuck in the wing sometimes and the vertical take-off can be a bit difficult to manage. I couldn't figure out why the missles got lodged in the wing but I figured out the vertical take-off can be much faster by bringing down the VTOL slider down a notch and using about 20% power, and then bringing the slider all the way down after take-off while putting it on full throttle. Hope that helps....
I remember when this came out
Man, I've had the game for nearly a year and am only half way there
I'm not gonna download because it's at 117 downloads ;)
@Clayton123 thanks!
Like it
Pretty cool. May I suggest you increase the size of the control surfaces on the horizontal stabilizers for improved pitch. I think it would help.
100th up vote boi
+3@ramjet thanks
@WalrusAircraft thanks
@XVIindustries that pretty cool
@WalrusAircraft thanks
I like the basic design with the propeller hatch and the missles but there are some flaws with it. The missles get stuck in the wing sometimes and the vertical take-off can be a bit difficult to manage. I couldn't figure out why the missles got lodged in the wing but I figured out the vertical take-off can be much faster by bringing down the VTOL slider down a notch and using about 20% power, and then bringing the slider all the way down after take-off while putting it on full throttle. Hope that helps....
Love the dragonfly
The kill marks are awesome
Lol it gave me 28 pts for it being a successor
@WeeBabySeamus thanks
@Aviation ok thanks!
@IceDragon416 thanks
@JacobHardy64 thanks
@WalrusAircraft thanks
@Aviation thx for r8. I'm suprised to hear that it went into a flat spin. I never had that happen when I tested it
Cool bomb
Damn good job
Like it
Can I enter a beta plane?
Really cool
@TheHardcoreFlyer under any beta plane it says "click here to find out more" about beta. Just click it and sign up.
@Ctracerx2 thanks
@EpembI4 thanks
@Ctracerx2 ok thanks
@Eballaaa thanks
@Eballaaa thanks
@WalrusAircraft thanks
@Viper28 ok thanks!!!
@Viper28 Really??? It worked perfectly on my device. I built it and flew it on high physics if that's the problem.
@JacobHardy64 thanks!!!
@WalrusAircraft thanks!!!
@WalrusAircraft thanks you!!!
PS- thanks @WalrusAircraft for the various nosecones and the propeller. @Scriefers thanks for the torpedo.
the body anyway
looks like a blimp