1,128 cowelly Comments

  • Game suggestion- sonic boom 8.2 years ago

    Yes this would be a cool inclusion for SP - however the speed of sound may vary given heights and conditions. But on the whole at MSL it is around 715 knots with average clear weather conditions.

  • Awesome multiplayer formation! 8.5 years ago

    Great to see MP working. I am thinking of giving it a try.

  • Here we go again! 8.0 years ago

    Nice one! Great choice of aircraft too as you could follow this baby up with an A340-500 very easily. Looking forward to seeing end result ... :o)

  • Funniest day of school. 8.0 years ago

    @AudioDud3 That's a bit harsh but I appreciate that you are entitled to your opinion. Some of the non-plane related joking around on here has me in stitches (LMAO) and this is indeed one of those occasions being a teacher myself. Drawing nuts on the board - yep, been there during a whiteboard session to six students about airshow airfield regulations. God what a DISASTER that session turned out to be so I DID draw something funny on the board as student #6 confirmed that they had not understood what was going on ... LOL! :o)

  • Hi im still alive I think. 8.0 years ago

    @RailfanEthan Thank you that's all VERY much appreciated! :o)

  • Some one make a Turkey 8.0 years ago

    @Spikerya Thank you for that :o)

  • Hi im still alive I think. 8.1 years ago

    @Himynameiswalrus I have been in hospital for six and a half weeks - forcing me to have to take a break. Glad you are well anyway.

  • How Old Are You? 8.1 years ago

    @Delphinus Hello how are you? Hope you are well. 51 - that's good going and shows just how appealing the game genuinely is to all ages.

  • Lonely 8.1 years ago

    Welcome back. Problem is ... This game can become so addictive that it takes people's lives over the same way in which War Thunder does for example. Not a bad thing compared with that - I'd rather SP took over my life any day. But to the extent where you say you are lost without SP or lonely in your case ... Take SP Breaks now and again even if just for a few days and you'll soon realise that you do actually have friends - just not where you thought. Somebody I know is undergoing War Thunder withdrawal symptoms having spent up his credit card paying to progress in that game. BIG Mistake on his part. At least we can never reach that stage here on SP.

  • Hi im still alive I think. 8.1 years ago

    Welcome back - we all need to have SP Breaks now and again even if it's just for a few days :o)

  • How Old Are You? 8.1 years ago

    44 and possibly the oldest person here ...

  • School's are weird 8.2 years ago

    Think I'd rather be in a school building / public building than a domestic home if a typhoon was bearing down on me ...

  • I need some an-225 help! 8.2 years ago

    I have tried to make the Antonov 124A for SP but gave up turning it into a BAe 146 (Avro RJ-100) type of aircraft instead. It's the shear size of the beast and the 225A is larger. However people are creating successful B747-8s on here now so don't give up - look forward to seeing this one day! :o)

  • What's an upvote 8.2 years ago

    Thanks from me too as I know what Upvoting is - just didn't know before now that there are values attached like you specify. Extremely helpful so UPVOTED.

  • Describe your latest creation with a movie title 8.2 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Don't you mean Memphis Belle which was a B-17F Flying Fortress? OK let's see what mine is: I'm going for Rocky to describe my A-1D Skyraider (inspired by Meawk) as it packs a punch ...

  • Boeing747-8F 8.4 years ago

    Absolutely amazing. With SP Colours too!

  • what color should my Mercedes-Benz Arocs be? 8.4 years ago

    Usually Mercs are silver or white in my experience though I know of one or two black ones too.

  • what color should my Mercedes-Benz Arocs be? 8.4 years ago

    Sorry for delay in commenting there - I was looking at the title.

    Erm ... Definitely not tart red! Usually Mercs are silver or white in my experience though I know of one or two black ones too.

  • RIP RICK ASTLEY 8.4 years ago

    I still cannot get my head around why this song which was originally released in August 1987 and topped the charts ever gained this sort of following??! However Rick did have a lot to answer for in his day when on the way to Manchester Airport and his sell-out US tour he suffered a nervous breakdown and the entire tour had to be cancelled. It took him two years to recover from what happened bless him :o)

  • Philippine Airlines 8.4 years ago

    That is just SO neat ... UP-VOTED! If you want a model of this very aircraft then I am sure Gemini Jets released one recently in 1/400 scale. Metal not plastic.

  • Tomorrow!!! 8.4 years ago

    @Pacman126 Sorry about the length of my posting but as a teacher when I think reward is deserved like it is with you then I have a habit of speaking my mind. Gently though because I don't want things to result in controversy. In return you have spotted something that I had never thought of about 100 years of the RAF and getting everything in order in time - hence lots of rennovation and closures especially during the winter months out of tourist season. Much Appreciated :o)

  • Tomorrow!!! 8.4 years ago

    @Pacman126 That was a shame that some of what you were looking forward to seeing was unavailable. They shut sections of the RAF Museum at Cosford (Hendon is this museum's counterpart) off during the winter months too for the same reason. So when I visited Cosford I was unable to see the Cold War Hangar GRRRRRR!!! Now I read you have not studied D-Day or the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7th 1941 as part of World War 2 history. Not to get controversial (bearing in mind I am on SP) I feel that you may not have been encouraged to study these particular events because hundreds of American lives were lost in these events and your history syllabus may have a degree of appropriateness attached to it - for example discourages you from looking at events such as these and Iwo Jima where 2000 American Marines were killed because of the loss of life. I have met this when interested in World War 2 battleships and Naval activity where my Uncle who served on HMS Dorsetshire just WOULD NOT tell me aged nine what really happened to the German battleship Bismark. Because as I learned aged 43 the Atlantic fleet 'hacked' the Bismark to death in the most horrific of ways - I'd have been traumatised aged nine hearing what my Uncle took part in and how territorial everything was - the Bismark sunk HMS Hood of course. This all kicked off in May 1941 and taught me that if I was getting interested in what happened to ... Read about it in my spare time as you are free to do so. School curriculums can involve degrees of patriotism too as well as appropriateness but in your own time you are your own master - look at how you felt being the only one of your visiting group to know your aircraft. Well HATS OFF TO YOU firstly and secondly you had the advantage - you were able to appreciate and enjoy the visit more / possibly even the most. REWARD FOR WORKING HARD ... In your spare time.

  • sorry guys 8.4 years ago

    @PyroManiac This was WELL worth waiting for! Bear in mind these amazing creations are your call. You are the boss and nobody should persuade you or pressure you into a bad decision as the creator. Creativity = Power. Power = Wealth ...

  • sorry guys 8.4 years ago

    No pressure. No rushing. Your creativity - the decision to release is yours alone. Enjoy the rest of the project and having started following you I look forward to seeing the end result.

  • Handley Page Hastings I (Hastings Airliner) 8.4 years ago

    @MAHADI I follow you now. You have some unbelievably brilliant creations in your collection :o)

  • Spitfire Squad 8.4 years ago

    Absolutely fantastic creation here. I have dabbled with formations and I think have the aircraft positioned too close to one another to allow for game physics to kick in.

  • Thanks so much 8.4 years ago

    As one of your followers ... It's a pleasure. Keep up the good work we all enjoy be we god, McDonalds, the President, the CIA, the mayor or the Principal. BTW who else on here really is a teacher - RESPECT because I am too!

  • HOLD UP! 8.4 years ago

    Sounds like a move on the part of SP to encourage new users to endure all that learning and persistence required in order to succeed within the game ... Within easier reach with the lowering of the minimum (but nevertheless still high!) standard. A bit 'carrot and stick' but I'm happy to go along with it because it offers more of a chance to those who still have to make it & wanting to with all their hearts - they still have to learn what it takes to suceed within this game. ALL IMHO of course!

  • Would be busy for Exam 8.4 years ago

    @MAHADI Best of luck with your exam. We will miss you but it will all be worth it in the end.

  • 6.2 Magnitude earthquake hits New Zealand 8.4 years ago

    Thinking of you all as this is unpleasant ... and upsetting for me as when I visited Christchurch from the UK planespotting TWO WEEKS before the last big quake the locals were exceptional - they treated me like royalty! Now to think that South Island has been affected again like this really is painful for me.

  • Tomorrow!!! 8.4 years ago

    PLEASE tell us how your trip went as this is one of my favourite air museums along with Brooklands which is not far away in fact. You'll see preserved a full size Lancaster and a B-17 Flying Fortress along with the mighty Avro Vulcan. Loads of inspiration and I'd recommend spending the whole day there - there is a cafe and a gift & model shop on site. HAVE A FANTASTIC TIME!

  • Simple planes 8.4 years ago

    Definitely :o) Welcome to the SP Community for when - not if- you do as this game is top :o)

  • I NEED IDEAS FOR WW2 PLANES 8.4 years ago

    @NativeChief1492 Macchi was the principal Italian manufacturer of World War 2 aircraft followed by Reggiane and Fiat. We the Brits went into action thinking that the open cockpit Macchi Mc.200 Saetta and Reggiane Re.2000 were going to be a pushover. We were WRONG. Google Reggiane Re.2000 to 2002 for a nicew little Italian fighter which is designable on SP :o)

  • Huge earthquake in New Zealand! 8.4 years ago

    Oh no not Christchurch again. Three years ago the area was devastated by a big quake which caused liquifaction or the soil on the earths surface to gain quicksand type properties. Buildings just FELL. Two weeks before the quake struck guess who was in New Zealand plane spotting ... Yes. I was and given how I was treated like royalty everywhere I went I am extremely sorry to learn of this news. Best Wishes to all involved.

  • How do points work? 8.4 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme Thanks for that I have always been wondering how points work since I started playing :o) :o)

  • God Knows ... 8.4 years ago

    @NyanCatPlanes Then I think we may be stuffed! LOL :o)

  • punishment 8.4 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 Just say so - Naughty I-Pad!!!

  • BREAKING NEWS 8.4 years ago

    NICE WORK! Keep it up :o)

  • what 8.4 years ago

    The term Nipponophobia exists and means that a person (a Nipponophobe) is anti-Japanese in general. Definitely does not describe me who came across this term first in 1997 where I understood it to mean what I mention.

  • VOR / ILS navigation 8.4 years ago

    Hmmm ... Like Simple Planes needs countermeasures against missiles and arrestor hooks / arrestor wires on carriers. An excellent suggestion to keep those complicated landings aligned and on target. Some may argue that the inclusion of such real world devices may destroy the fun factors behind the gameplay of SP - the fact that these are not included means extra creativity is required in order to overcome such barriers. Could even attract a try Microsoft Flight Simulator / Go Fly type response - if so don't take offence as this happened to me when I suggested countermeasures against missiles a few months back. I should be playing Total Air War instead came one reply. Total Air War? I did used to play that as it happens ... in 2000!

  • Aressting Hooks and wires 8.4 years ago

    @Zerokiller3 Thank you very much - glad I upvoted this discussion to begin with! Really is like countermeasures and their absence a bit of a down-side to Simple Planes yet the carriers are there and they are landable - just not properly or authentically.

    However some may argue that inclusion of these features would remove fun factors from the gameplay of SP which many enjoy because of the creativity this means has to be involved :o)

  • Anyone here like anime? 8.4 years ago

    @BaconRoll I had not even heard of Anime / Animes until this happened last year. Then Paula said she took her inspirations from Kingdom Death which is a proper role playing game - not PC / PS3 or so forth. Never played it but would like to :o)

  • Aressting Hooks and wires 8.4 years ago

    Yeah but like countermeasures against missiles will the SP Mods ever take note of your suggestion? It's excellent and I have totally upvoted it! I hope to see both suggestions as part of SP one day ...

  • Anyone here like anime? 8.4 years ago

    Animes - the ones from role playing game Kingdom Death are amongst the best on the planet. Plus my friend Paula draws animes in Australia - she drew a jaw-dropping portrayal of me as a knight in shining armour last year just from a photograph of me in my pilot's uniform!

  • Deepest condolences... 8.4 years ago

    Ever heard of the song 'What It's Like' by Everlast? The final verse is all about a shoot-out where somebody loses their cool and winds up dead. Listening to it at the moment as I wish we could all learn from this prank and maybe stop it from happening again ...

  • Deepest condolences... 8.4 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Thank you for your advice against using @Mods to flag threads down. I only know one Moderator and somebody else has probably flagged this down by now anyway.

  • Deepest condolences... 8.4 years ago

    Similar to what a friend of mine in the UK did to fake his own death on Facebook. Now this guy cannot go near Manchester Airport again in his life ... What an own goal THAT is if you are an aircraft enthusiast. Thank you for the heads up that this is fake anyway.

  • Deepest condolences... 8.4 years ago

    I hope he is going to be OK. Thoughts are with him.

  • #SimplePlanes trends 8.5 years ago

    It's the people who make the game. In the same way as it's the Members who make the SP Community :o)

  • First points in SP? 8.5 years ago

    Would be fun to find this out - UPVOTED.