1,475 crxtsp Comments

  • Airstrip Drag 8.4 years ago

    @Geekpride Then make it part of the tournament rules. No nudge whatsoever! Or make a specific open tournament. Otherwise you absolutely need to use nudge and make ridiculous designs that are utterly unrealistic to have wings and wheels floating in mid air, the physics system breaks down at that point.

  • Airstrip Drag 8.4 years ago


  • My Fastest Car 8.4 years ago

    Very cool!

  • Dampfwanze I 8.4 years ago

    Can hit the ground so hard and nothing breaks! Did you use the nudge command?

  • TRD-2 Vampire Wizard 3.5 RD104 8.5 years ago

    for whatever reason straigtening out the run on the air inlets makes it crash

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    AI cannot handle 300+mph https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/s8v2J1/TRD-2-Vampire-Wizard-3-2c

  • Groundspeeder Mk.2d 8.5 years ago

    @BogdanX @rubbishcraft This is the same original frame idea that the Blockbuster tanks evolved into.. I will try to add more but gotta keep the weight down. Already has underteer if you don't modulate the steering or have analog control. I wanted the wings originally to shift the downforce from end to end but it never worked out, the physics didnt seem to add up when I expected the struts to lift away, instead they compressed.

  • Bandit Run 8.6 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 Any nudging that results in parts occupying the same space should be banned outside of the XML mod class. The winner should get a 3D print of what, a handful of loose parts? Matter that occupys the same space?

  • Bandit Run 8.6 years ago

    @Alienbeef0421 The winner didn't even have a fuselage and the engines intersect each other..

  • Bandit Run 8.6 years ago

    Engines / wings stacked within each other are allowed?

  • Angelus K7 8.6 years ago


  • Missile Launch Vehicle 8.6 years ago

    I like the launch sequence and break-away escape vehicle

  • highest speed creator 8.7 years ago

    Nice glitch device

  • Current Aviation KAC-779 8.8 years ago

    I think the fuselage should be lenghened aft of the wings, use ballast to re-balance CoM. it feels unstable at speed. Control surfaces maybe a bit smaller its fairly jumpy. Otherwise pretty cool air tanker.

  • DESERT RUNNER bare with headlights showing 8.8 years ago

    Title works great, nice design