Spark1645 had the cleanest and simple plane models in the server imho, was just unespected to see him leaving along with his models, thanks for sharing his work!
Would be epic to replace the cockpit part as master block of the built and add a character like a pilot to wander around and attach to the plane whenever the player fells like.
@Jaspy190 yep, account deleted
+1Spark1645 had the cleanest and simple plane models in the server imho, was just unespected to see him leaving along with his models, thanks for sharing his work!
+1Nice fictional scenario and model, noice.
+1I love the V bombers, noice!
+1@Bullozeee Please continue. Not all planes need cockpit :) this is simpleplanes, not blender or something
+1One of the first night vison devices used, well done!
+1Wow, what a beauty! Well done!
+1@Bryan5 les gooooo
+1@CsGalaxyID ah, so you remake them and make the part count and colors close to the original / look for a similiar model and save time also rebuilding?
+1I love it!
+1*gets popcorn
+1@FirstFish83828 no idea
+1@DatRoadTrainGuy19 @FirstFish83828
ATR105 is also posting his stuff, i will post more from him eventually
+1You and ATR105 are making god's work in uploading sparks builds again, thank you both!
+1Nice work!
+1Cold war vibes incoming
+1well done, sir!
+1Love the Ar-234, nice model, i hope you can improve it for the best.
+1Soviet ar-234? :D
+1Goodbye Alex/Technoblade... 😢😢😢
+1That's kinda cool! :)
+1no AAA ai?
oh wait, it's simpleplanes...
+1cool model
+1bad? where!!!???
+1i was waiting for a video of this map, well done.
+1Nice P-38, i like it
+1Nice work! Waiting for Doom :p
+1Very good, T e a
+1Awesome, love the interior!
+1Now all we need is to control it while looking into a radar display like the sa-2.
+1Would be epic to replace the cockpit part as master block of the built and add a character like a pilot to wander around and attach to the plane whenever the player fells like.
+1Video needs more neon ;) nice one!
+1Maybe the companion cube next? jk
+1You build good planes :) i hope you stay for more!
+1I really like this build, this inspire me to start my builds with the regular wing parts again, good job!
+1What an amazing build, i'm having a lot of fun at mp rn with it :)
+1I already like your older builds, but with the sp update they are even better :) i like a lot the luft46 theme so please, T!
+1Jon i require lasanga
+1Nice one
+1w h y
+1Nice build!
+1cool "what if" with pilot and wso!
+1Cool plane, nice work!
+1bro this is sick!
+1Excellent model, i love it!