217 davygravy10

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joined 5.4 years ago

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Omg I’m at bronze and more than 100 points I never thought I would get this far thank you so much to who helped me get this far and also I would like to do an ATC tower role play and a plane crash investigation role play my Boeing 707 is still WIP

I also am still alive in this game still too, like alot still, but also, I have a question for something in game in SimplePlanes, which is that how do you take a screenshot in game with a craft loaded and in flight too like when your not in editor like the game SimpleRockets 2 which I know how to take screenshot’s with the screenshot button in game in both the editor aka designer and in flight aka with the craft loaded, but again, how do you take a screenshot in SimplePlanes with the craft loaded aka again in flight and not in the editor and again aka the designer which I know how to take an in game screenshot in.
Noooooo!!! I just accidentally tapped the jet stream thing and it was at 1510 crafts when I tapped it. :(