1,050 derfman9303 Comments

  • helicopter!!! 8.6 years ago

    Thank you :)

  • An outhouse 7.0 years ago

    This is true art

  • experimental heinkel 6.9 years ago

    Dang nice cockpit

  • VANADOR 7.0 years ago

    I notice that the wings are a bit floppy and unstable but haven’t broken off yet

  • VANADOR 7.0 years ago

    Nice cockpit

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    Just hit silver! @rubbishcraft

  • NCC-1701-D: USS Enterprise D 7.0 years ago


  • Wasp RJ3 7.0 years ago

    I like

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    Ah yes i will be interested to see how you do on it @breitling

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    For real though, the cockpit can make or break any plane @breitling

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    Or maybe I just suck @breitling

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    A lot, I would have to assume @breitling

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    I am left befuddled as to how some people can create godly realistic cockpits (and not to mention the rest of the plane/car/whatever) @breitling

  • helicopter!!! 7.0 years ago

    Thank you! This design is outdated now with gyroscopes and such being available @breitling

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    Not excactly. I usually do something like fitting a fuselage block over the cockpit block @breitling

  • Bugatti EB110 7.0 years ago


  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    I know, decent looking cockpits are tricky @breitling

  • HE-111 7.0 years ago

    @breitling thanks! Yeah I’m having trouble building a realistic glass canopy like on a real HE-111

  • super basic plane 7.5 years ago

    I'll do what I want @Hazard862

  • Déjà vu 8.3 years ago

    Wow. Simply incredible.

  • vtol plane 8.4 years ago

    Nice airplane dude! There's just so much originality involved here I just have to point some of my favorite things out. First of all, I love your thinking of not putting a nose cone even when there is literally no reason not to. Except of course that nose cones are waayyy too mainstream! Also I just love how you used only 2 rcn nozzles when you have enough vtol power to use a sufficient amount because roll and yaw are definitely not important at all when you have pitch! Most people would think instead you used those snazzy propellers on the wings to control roll and yaw by utilizing the rotating blocks and the propellor blade pitch control functionality but you sure show them haters bro! One other thing that was a nice touch was ensuring that there is a major weight imbalance towards the front of the plane which really adds to the challenge and excitement of flying. Really nice job dude! It's obvious a lot of thought went into this plane!

  • helicopter!!! 8.4 years ago

    Interesting... I am able to fly perfectly fine with it and so are other skilled pilots but thanks for notifying me of your deficiency @nubnub

  • infinite powerless flight 8.6 years ago

    I don't really understand it. Some kind of glitch perhaps @robloxweponco

  • Sea plane 8.9 years ago

    @ccooper just make the blade diameter on all the engines one notch smaller and that won't happen

  • infinite powerless flight 9.0 years ago

    @CanofBeans do you think you could tell me what platform you are trying to fly this on? I think this problem might have something to do with what platform you use

  • infinite powerless flight 9.0 years ago

    @ffgfghgy I really have no idea. Some people are having the same problem that you're having but for others it works fine (including me) one thought, maybe it has to do with the platform you are using? I'm using the mobile version on my iPad

  • Amazon delivery drone 9.2 years ago

    @TwinStarIndustries nice. It's very stable.

  • VTOL bomber 9.2 years ago

    @goboygo1 have you been a good boy? Because if not you will get a Crampus instead

  • ORD - Fighter 9.2 years ago


  • OCTO-Copter UPDATED 9.2 years ago

    Pretty great

  • infinite powerless flight 9.2 years ago

    @CanofBeans I'm not sure, works for me but others have been having the same problem. Will have to work on a fix I guess?

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @TheHappyHellcat I don't know. Never happens to me.

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @TheHappyHellcat what do you mean? Like without taking off it exploded or did it crash?

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    Yeah I'm working on one right now @Cjredwards

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @Raiden2003 is there a normal way to find glitches?

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @Raiden2003 thank you! :-) I'm glad you like it. I was just messing around with an airplane with lots of wings and they started flapping around and I experimented with it and got it to generate lift.

  • glitch found 9.3 years ago

    @letsgofast11 thanks! :-)

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @TardisRepairMan why thank you kind sir

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @bjac0 hmmm.. Try taking the detaches off. Haven't tested it at high altitudes with them.

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @Acer500 that's what I said when I first saw this glitch

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @Ktay45 yeah when you stack wings on top of each other they shake violently back and forth. I messed around with it and got it to generate thrust

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @BrainyDJ great minds think alike

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @tjktjk11 all I did was put wings on top of each other and they shake back and forth and somehow it generates thrust

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @ArgentumFen have you tried what you said?? Does it produce more thrust?

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @ArgentumFen thanks for the advice. I'm going to have to try that. Even the amount of fuel in the wings effects how they behave. There seems to be a lot to this glitch.

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @letsgofast11 I'm actually working on one right now, though it is hard to achieve enough ground speed to take off. Most I have been able to get is 40 mph

  • glitch found 9.3 years ago

    I wonder what causes it to do that??? Hey talk about glitches, check out my infinite powerless flight quad copter. Doesn't run on fuel and can fly forever. Uses glitching out wings as thrust.

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @ArgentumFen I think that's how it works? To make it so it says it is a modified version of derfman9303's build?

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    @ArgentumFen the rotating blocks are to keep the vibration from destroying the craft. They have nothing to do with the oscillation of the wings. You can use it but only if you build it from what I uploaded here so it says it is a version of my craft online. But yeah feel free to experiment with it. It has tons of practical applications.

  • infinite powerless flight 9.3 years ago

    Hey by the way, please nobody steal this design