Hmm if it's agility and power I have a plane I can enter it's not my best but my best is on my pc and won't be accessible for the next couple days and thanks for the tag @MIWTheGamer
U cant spolight aome one with more points than ur self but thanks for trying
This was one of those planes that got so little attention i stopped playing
Can I borrow the turrents for a build I'm working on
It's not Atlanta class but I can't realy replicate the turrents for the ship becuse of there shape
It's unique
I give it a 9.5/10
Would like to have seen extendable skis for landing it would go well with this build enabling it to land on almost any ground givin it's short flight time
Umm I may have found a bug that needs fixing
Not at the beginning of the war spitfire wasn't fuel injected meaning 1 or 2 negative G rolls and u would stall @CaptainConny45
I have a plane for each
What range will the fights take place at long mid or close
Yaya dedicated iserver July 28th I can enter my best
Hmm if it's agility and power I have a plane I can enter it's not my best but my best is on my pc and won't be accessible for the next couple days and thanks for the tag @MIWTheGamer
U could edit the name u dont have to repost it
not to criticize u or anything but that's not the D version is closer to a J version then D
Na i only reupload improved planes
U cant spolight aome one with more points than ur self but thanks for trying
This was one of those planes that got so little attention i stopped playing
There's a few servers Google it
Amazing as always
Thank u mabye ill spend another hour getting the rudder to work oh crap said to much @WNP78
It's not hard
Time consuming but not hard
No just no
Can I borrow the turrents for a build I'm working on
It's not Atlanta class but I can't realy replicate the turrents for the ship becuse of there shape
I faved this for a refence for a build I'm going to start on soon
It's unique
I give it a 9.5/10
Would like to have seen extendable skis for landing it would go well with this build enabling it to land on almost any ground givin it's short flight time
Multiple wings work best
When posting u see that thing that says public press or click it for unlisted posts
I posted an apology on the teaser since u didn't see it I'll post another here
Sorry for reporting it
Nvm it's hard to explain
Well found it
I guess he made it my bad @Tully2001
Didn't sled drives do a led Zeppelin before
I remember seeing somthing like this a couple months back @Tully2001
How did u make the bow so perfect
I'm adding elvatiing turrets
Also can u check if it turns for u it should but just checking @jamesPLANESii
I'm making controllable torrents for my ship and she's fighting it every step of the way
I love the look of this airship
Nope anyone play world of warships
best blimp award gose to this
Tires plz color
I think the Mk4s my fav
Last year was the mod class
Meaning anything Gos
This is an unlimited class meaning
Lookin great also do u play world of warships
If I'm on I'll put my discord link in chat
Nope 1.9 1.8 was last year
Around 4pm central US time zone
Did u read the discription@Freerider2142
Great 7/10
Thanks will use if I can't get my current setup to work @Freerider2142
Use a Gyro
Hey I'm making a VTOL how did u do the hover assist