13.3k doge Comments

  • BlueSteel I401 Submarine 6.5 years ago

    How did u get the jets to work under water

  • Caterpillar Tracks in Simple Planes 7.0 years ago

    You can make yours kinda difficult but possible
    Also the Devs are working on
    And then hopefully
    Update 1.9
    Keep in mind it's a small dev team

  • the two most overexploited aircraft in the game 6.6 years ago

    It's always the P-51D
    Never the B or C

  • Hiatus 7.2 years ago

    AH looks like I need to find a new favraite mod

  • Sticky Mine 5.9 years ago

    Time to 1 up this hehehehehe I'm thinking para dropped clusters mines

  • PIA-12E Bliss 6.0 years ago

    Great attention to detail looks good
    But may I suggest that you pay a bit more attention to the nose and center of the aircraft

  • Brot class battle"cruiser" 2 6.1 years ago

    I have a question since u have the 16in gun mod my not use the naval gun mod with it

  • VF-30S Chronos 6.5 years ago

    This deserves more attention

  • Mi-26 carrying... the Alaskan Bull Worm! 6.5 years ago

    Kill it with fire

  • Blackburn B.20 6.6 years ago

    Sorry I for got m8 was changing classes had like no time @RamboJutter

  • Tracha Tr 15 6.7 years ago

    low part count yet looks cool

  • Orka 7.0 years ago

    I like the way you did the props

  • Can't sign in/upload with mods enabled? 7.0 years ago

    It's just the game being the game happens from time to time
    Annoying yes
    Harmful no

  • The upvote to download ratio 7.1 years ago

    Less actually do at about 5percent @Carsong1017

  • Semi-Retirement or Starting Over 7.2 years ago

    My advice becuse I've been there multiple times
    Take a break for a week or two then come back
    Game gets boring sometimes @Jetpackturtle

  • Sukhoi Su-37 Terminator 7.9 years ago

    Note mildly offisive joke incoming : I Sentence you to 1k years gulag

  • F-987 Thunderbolt 4.7 years ago

    Oh thankyou i may end up getting back into this game ...... @inuyasha8215

  • Multiplayer Flight Part II...... 5.8 years ago

    thank you even though i wasnt at my computer for quite a while

  • What tank should I do next for the “tank creation memes” series? 5.9 years ago

    The M247 Sergent York couldnt tell the diffrence between a toliet exasut fan and a jet engine

  • An idea for automatic turrets: 5.9 years ago

    No product is perfect nuthing is immune android is just better for developers or ppl that write there own code like me https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/iphone-apple-intel-bug-flaw-security-issue-how-to-safe-protect-update-latest-download-a8143126.htmlhttps://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/iphone-apple-intel-bug-flaw-security-issue-how-to-safe-protect-update-latest-download-a8143126.html

  • An idea for automatic turrets: 5.9 years ago

    Also wouldn't this mod be simpler if u took out the select cockpit thing and just added depression/apression limiters that said person could set for individual turrents

  • Best corsair on the site? 5.9 years ago

    No he didn't but from the angle the photo was taken from it almost looks like it @ChiyomiAnzai

  • Why have they cut off mod support? 5.9 years ago

    1st of all they haven't cut mod support
    2nd there was an update and most mods where not updated and some won't work Becuse of this
    3rd don't compalain on the forums complain the the mod creators

  • Multiplayer Mod Patch 0.11 - Updated to Unity 2018.3 and the SP 1.8 Mod Tools 6.0 years ago

    Becuse it ale ready lags a computer with more than 4players and if anyone brings a build with let's say 600-2000 parts it can reduce fps to unplayable @Aerofy

    (Edit) that's not a link don't click it
    (Edit agian) a PC that can run sp isn't that hard to come by if u buy it prebuilt it might cost u around $100-200
    But if u build it ur self a core 2 extreme E9650 quad 4gb ddr2 ram a nvidia fx4600 qaudro isn't that hard to come buy
    And yes I just read off the components of my computer

  • Brot class battle"cruiser" 2 6.1 years ago

    Thats a gourgus superstructure btw

  • Brot class battle"cruiser" 2 6.1 years ago

    Lol that dose make things complex

  • HINGE ROTATORS? 6.1 years ago

    What version of the game are u playing?
    hinge rotators have been in the game for over a year
    And if u need to make a joystick use to of them on diffrent inputs

  • CA-Zwakki 6.1 years ago

    What's your opinion of my ship @Strikefighter04

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    The titles not a lie
    I was realy hoping it was sarcamsam

  • LB-1 CLAB 6.3 years ago


  • Katoya (Kanagawa) Silver Bullet 6.3 years ago

    This is a perfect example of SP physics
    Derpy but good looking

  • [TEASER]Multiplayer flight with MisterT 6.4 years ago

    Glad to see your still playing buddy
    I've kinda stopped building due to lack of inspiration but I have a decent back lot of unfinished/Finnished planes
    Or maybe improve my submarine ah crap well looks like I just gave myself a few ideas and a lot of work

  • YB-16a Daedalus 6.4 years ago

    Looks good bud

  • I401 Submarine 6.5 years ago

    How did u get it to work under water
    I'm talking about the jets

  • Tank Test Map 6.5 years ago

    This will be perfect for a future project

  • VF-30S Chronos 6.5 years ago

    My only complaint

    "it's not a complaint more of a complement

    It's to amazing

    "I know some ones going to go into multiplayer and crash some PCs"
    Fenor in calling u out bro

  • Multiplayer discord 6.6 years ago

    When u have an i2 core and fenor gets on the server

  • Hmm whitch version should I build 6.6 years ago

    U like e Original ok
    Also the shape of the main body was kinda hard to remake
    I'll get it as close as I can @randomusername

  • I have a situation (Maybe new project?) 6.6 years ago

    If u want a realy good quality PC keep saving

  • SimplePlanes 2: What features would you add? 6.6 years ago

    AI that isn't flewn by a premature patato

  • AH-189 Crusader 6.6 years ago

    This will show them da wae bruuuuuddda

  • Helicopter Challenge 6.6 years ago

    Oof 300pts well I've got sum work to do I'll probly just tweet mine and add a lot of details re work the guns add ur missles instead of mine "weights not an issue"
    Lower the power of the rotor make a cockpit a interior change the turning style
    Redo the COG becuse no infinite fuel this is going to hurt

  • Trainer Jet 'Abram' 6.6 years ago

    Looks great above average build quality
    Cockpit frame
    Panaling for the control surfaces

    The intakes ruin the look of the plane "to blocky"
    Has guns "it's a trainer bruh"
    Default landing gear


  • USS Worcester CL-144 6.7 years ago

    Oh and somtimes the battle cam gets deleted in a bug just replace it takes like 4 seconds@Stellarlabs

  • USS Worcester CL-144 6.7 years ago

    lol also lots of typing for the desc so it will take a min@Stellarlabs

  • Orca MK-IV Engine Assembly 7.0 years ago

    Can't wait to go home and add the details on my PC
    And thanks buddy

  • F9F-cougar 7.0 years ago

    This deserves recognition


    keep up the good work

  • Cockpits? How is it Done? 7.0 years ago

    Yup things can get messy when u don't @F104Deathtrap
