37 dontlikemath Comments

  • Laser turret 3.6 years ago

    It doesn’t work close to terrain, sadly @TTVYoutubeFazeRat

  • Auto turret test with a better gun 3.6 years ago

    @marxman28 look at the input of the two upper rotators. Close to the end of the FT expressions should be a value, 1000 in this case. Change it to your muzzle velocity

  • Auto turret test with a better gun 3.6 years ago

    Also, i made another variation: http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/E6o4P0/Laser-turret
    This one points straight towards the target, because the bullets arrive basically instantly. Not always reliable though, especially not when shooting things that are close to the ground. But if it works, it can take out an entire convoy in less than a second.

  • Auto turret test with a better gun 3.6 years ago

    It has one problem- the turret was configured for a 1000 m/s gun and this is a 800 m/s gun. You’d have to change the values in the rotator/hinge rotator expressions, or just make the gun 200 m/s faster