2,699 evilbadger34 Comments

  • "Aggressive" and "Default" AI Aircrafts??? 2.8 years ago

    @SMILEE Thanks man, but how did you manage to find this old post anyways?

  • Minecraft grass block 1.9 years ago

    @LunarEclipseSP Huh!?

  • Custom rocket problem 4.7 years ago

    @brians1209 well if you set a gyroscope to the right settings(like gyroscope speed and balance) and place it anywhere on your rocket, it will help it stay right-side up and more stable, if the settings are too high it can really rumble. It depends on if you want to put a gyroscope on your rocket or not. It's worth a shot

  • Dragon 5.2 years ago

    It looks cool, but I can't get off the ground without it blowing up.

  • Starlight F2 5.9 years ago

    I appreciate your advice and tips. I think I might get a laptop after I finish moving and then I can get the gears moving from there. Thanks @Ryn176 !

  • RYMA Raging Bull 6.0 years ago

    it's my pleasure xD

  • RYMA Historia LR C 2019 6.0 years ago

    @dedeath911 oh idk, I was just glad you made that adjustable chamber. I thought my glad :D faces were information enough just because it's a smile, nothing to get too worked up about , keep up the nice work/help up :]

  • RYMA Raging Bull 6.0 years ago

    @dedeath911 :D

  • RYMA Historia LR C 2019 6.0 years ago

    @dedeath911 :D


    @Botfinder fair enough, but @Armyguy1534 might want to add a rule that you cant use a gyroscope for pitch, roll or yaw right? It kinda defeats the whole challenge.


    All you do is slap a gyroscope with yaw, pitch and roll controls on a plane with no control surfaces, update those rules!!

  • TC-90(JMSDF) 6.0 years ago

    This plane looks very nice, I can only wish for more information about the plane itself on the description than just controls xp.

    Alright, so after Flying this thing I have some advice...
    When your plane uses a gyroscope to fly its best, is it really a good plane??
    When you practice balancing your planes inequalities to make it fly without a gyroscope it gives you experience with planes, and with that experience it's easier to make pro-flying planes. It just isn't the same when a plane has a gyroscope.. I was able to tell after flying it for 15 seconds..

    Overall my favorite part about this plane is the colors and the design, keep working on these things and I can see you making it to gold.

  • "Aggressive" and "Default" AI Aircrafts??? 7 months ago

    @THEOKPILOT I think it was a button on the bottom when spawning, something to do with spawn location

  • LT-5 3.2 years ago

    Chi-Ri? :D

  • No Vertical Stabilizer Challenge [Closed] 4.6 years ago

    You have to make sure no one shrinks a cheated-in vertical stabilizer.

  • New Feature ? 4.6 years ago


  • "Aggressive" and "Default" AI Aircrafts??? 4.7 years ago

    @WrongFlyer Thank you! Now the planes are actually aggressive

  • Custom rocket problem 4.7 years ago

    @brians1209 oh, nice!

  • "Aggressive" and "Default" AI Aircrafts??? 4.7 years ago

    @Noname918181 but even if I only spawned one, it will not attack me. They usually just crash even if they have a clear view of me

  • Custom rocket problem 4.7 years ago

    @brians1209 it depends on what type of rocket you made and how strong it is. The gyroscope is not very heavy and if you put it somehwere that it won't imbalance the rocket I think it will help

  • Custom rocket problem 4.7 years ago

    I have gotten perfectly straight flying rockets... but havent used any detachers.. have you tried a gyroscope maybe???

  • Hey could everyone just comment something on this 4.7 years ago

    Well it IS a question... and it does relate to the SP community in a way. So you should be fine...

  • The Sunset Skimmer 4.7 years ago

    She's a real beauty!

  • Clover wing Fighter 4.7 years ago

    It has no cockpit view because its designed for an AI, and putting the cockpit there creates almost no drag

  • Big Wheel 4.7 years ago

    @GlargiBoo well considering it was uploaded 3.6 years ago I would say it's because I was more childish at the time. Also I thought it was fun to experiment with overload

  • P-51 Mustang RPP 5.1 years ago

    Very interesting.
    I actually like flying this, you should work on some different models with this concept, it could be huge.

  • GLITCH 5.1 years ago

    Check out my glitchmobile

    Also, I love that glitch! This one is just so odd xD

  • Dragon 5.2 years ago

    @zombieuncle yeah, keep up this great work. I'm going to have fun with my new dragon :)

  • Dragon 5.2 years ago

    This doesn't work in low physics settings, I tried with high physics and it worked beautifully. Make sure to let people know to have high physics to fly this dragon. Other than that I like it alot

  • Dragon 5.2 years ago

    @zombieuncle I gave it about 5 tries with throttle and VTOL, I looked at the wing and it's mass scale was set to zero, and when things are too light like that they cant get to high speeds without blowing up, it could be a physics setting thing, do you have your physics set to high?

  • Dragon 5.2 years ago

    @zombieuncle It just doesn't work

  • MiPlane002 5.2 years ago

    Where is the description!?

  • B-14 Crawler 5.2 years ago

    That's some dedication

  • Dragon 5.2 years ago

    @zombieuncle how do I fly it?

  • Ah, yes, block. 5.2 years ago


  • Starlight F2 5.9 years ago

    @Ryn176 oh really? Cool xD

    I have so many random projects at bay but I realized why I lost creativity so quick while building them.. It's because I figured out that there is nothing to do with them! On Android it's a hassle fighting against AI planes because it is just so laggy so I give up on that idea, I would've done the missions but I've done them so many times and had new devices that my progress always deletes! :(

    I'm waiting for an update with more things to do in the SP world like maybe explore a world with actual trees and land decor. Maybe even the option to create your own missions that people can download and try! There is so much that can be added to make the game more worthwhile and to keep people interested, I ran off of shear creativity and inspiration for 3 years on simple planes but I tried too hard and blew a fuse in my brain and now I can barely be creative on anything anymore. There needs to be more to do/explore. I'm struggling here, Ryn. I think I will just upload everything I have been working on and take a break from SP for a while.

  • lil something speed racer 6.0 years ago

    @dedeath911 my habit of upvoting things. The site thought i was upvoting too much.

  • UFO 6.0 years ago

    Wow...It has quite the pitch speed I will say that and that this UFO is better than any i've ever built. Here is an upvote for your ufo :D

  • F-14 Tomcat Mk4 6.0 years ago

    It is pretty cool how this relates all the way back to BoxGlows jet that was turned into the kicking fish we all know and love today.

  • lil something speed racer 6.0 years ago

    Was going to upvote but the site caught on to my upvoting habit and said no :(

  • i need suspension for it 6.0 years ago

    @dedeath911 You did a great job with this supsension is all :D (the one you posted)

  • Speed Challenge 6.0 years ago

    @dedeath911 just so excited you got the classic sports car speed racer and the lil something speed racer for that drag :D

  • CVN-12 -Victorious (lower part count/larger size) 6.0 years ago

    And that's a crashed SP game :]

  • CALLA OOH 6.0 years ago

    It lags more and it blows up everytime its used.

  • USS beast Controller 6.0 years ago

    No way... I was going to build the same thing..

  • FPV Motor in the middle 6.0 years ago

    Wow, after flying this beauty im inspired to make one of my own :D
    Good job @AdderFPV this plane flies pretty good and looks unique
    I just wish you had more in your description.

  • FPV Motor in the middle 6.0 years ago

    That description though, its so interesting I think im going to try this plane out now.

  • Speed Challenge 6.0 years ago

    @dedeath911 :D