i saw your plane beore.I just want to say,what do you mean"do not welcome Japanese?"It is a game aroud the world,and your words shows our country do not friendly.On fact,If you love your country,please use better Idea like bulid better Chinese planes but not just shouting like Wenge
@agnanSatrio HMM……Great idea,hope you can succeed.I just think that a real system is better but hard to use on a mobile device,and that mod is widely use……all in all is your job,i shouldnt say too much………wait for your real track system.
@china2003 oh I am Chinese too,I am clear about what they do too.But see yourself.You just do some very simple things and yelled.I can reallize your mind,But if you do not Happy to see Japs.Why don't you just go then But angry With guys who didn't join TheWar?If you want to say anything.Please use your skills
EMMMMMM……i can not think how youcan build sofast...Every week when I came from school...And see your aircraft on the first page...By the way,remember me?
comrade,nice description.By The way if you want to see some real An-2,wht not come to China?(it seems like now CN has the most of them...for show and sports)
What kind of NEW PLAYERS you are!!可怕的萌新
+3beautiful plane
+2i saw your plane beore.I just want to say,what do you mean"do not welcome Japanese?"It is a game aroud the world,and your words shows our country do not friendly.On fact,If you love your country,please use better Idea like bulid better Chinese planes but not just shouting like Wenge
+2@Randomdoggo oh sorry i forget.is My fault………
+1@agnanSatrio HMM……Great idea,hope you can succeed.I just think that a real system is better but hard to use on a mobile device,and that mod is widely use……all in all is your job,i shouldnt say too much………wait for your real track system.
+1@china2003 oh I am Chinese too,I am clear about what they do too.But see yourself.You just do some very simple things and yelled.I can reallize your mind,But if you do not Happy to see Japs.Why don't you just go then But angry With guys who didn't join TheWar?If you want to say anything.Please use your skills
+194upvotes no comments😂 Haha
perfect job.By the way,maybe a track mod will be better
so would you like to build a fighter in the end of the movie?By the way geet job
waaaaaaaaiiiiit,Can you lend your device to me ,I think i can control a spaceship on it:p
so what is the mean of these numbers on the wings?
nice work.But seems like still some questions with turning control,or do not turning by roll?
@YL …………可还星……贴吧IDF100215或者BF109G……
EMMMMMM……i can not think how youcan build sofast...Every week when I came from school...And see your aircraft on the first page...By the way,remember me?
@ThomasRoderick so I think we play the same game right?...
……I just cannot imgine How you can do this...或者我就直接中文了吧,WEBW又一位入坑即是巨佬的传奇……
what a pity!@GhostHTX It is fun to take this plane,If you go to China again,look for some Air shows,tickets aren't expensive,have a try!
comrade,nice description.By The way if you want to see some real An-2,wht not come to China?(it seems like now CN has the most of them...for show and sports)
great.But why you sleep so late?
you Are not in TSAD and we will never let you in,a loser,you trash.a dog,and who said you Are good and up,help me ask.thier family
@PRC1949 THX
@PRC1949 让我玩玩(滑稽)
@PRC1949 让我玩玩(滑稽)
I sit on it now and when i see this post i just go off and see around,upvotes
@china2003 如果你真的想表现爱国情怀,建议你去看看两个国人大佬团体,我们唯物主义按技术说话,WEBW和TSAD就是很好的例子
wow,nice.Can we make friends?
@china2003 只想告诉你这个世界看实力说话,如果我们的作品牛B了自然人们会觉得中国货厉害,建议你去看看WEBW和TSAD,这两个都是国人大佬组织,他们这叫为国争光
@china2003 那就请你不要把一个很一般的作品扣上一个跟民族主义一样的口号
@china2003 哦你要是这么想可以离开这里去发挥你的爱国情怀,毕竟这里的揉揉你都是军国主义
@china2003 我不是否认战争,但你没有好的作品只是在这里和这些和平年代国际用户喊的跟文革一样,我说你要是真的理性爱国干嘛不学人家999去搞一架飞机上首页?
@china2003 Yes But users just see a guy yelling With bad planes
wow,so cool
@Minecrafteum EMMM I don't know why,but I think I don't need more photo so I just Take the last photo the same as before
@ChiChiWerx Thanks,I don't know about that red thing, I just saw it in a video,maybe I shoud read some book about it.Thanks for your advise
@AdlerSteiner well...It takes me 1 month to finish it.Thanks!
@Highest thanks a lot
so beautiful...
beautiful and...golden?
@zap210 thanks too much
sorry,@zap210 but can i use your propeller on my plane?
so sorry for VTOL engie problems,Please set invert to No
new blockhttps://www.simpleplanes.com/a/T3Vs6O/XFA11-block-02#
@rubbishcraft @jha1chinese Thanks,happy newyear!(๑><๑)
great things!
@Mumpsy oh thanks so much,pretty good
welcome back^O^