we must have a revolution who stand with me to secure our future and keep SP great!!!
i know im joking but we have to stand up and keep this community pure and not fall in to a pit were we all steal ideas from each other. we must welcoming new and old members and giving the support so they can nature new ideas so they can blossom in to a tree and its roots may hold another part of this community in our orchard.
@AceOfSpade @himynameiswalrus come on really again a copy my goodness what has this community come too stealing from fellow members for what different colored points its just a number yes i appreciate that people that i can call friends got me here and helped me but i guess im just kicking a dead horse again
well umm mom the reason my room is on fire is because well i was playing this game and well i wanted to test my pc so i up all my settings and tried a pc killer and well thats why we are homeless.
@Seeras do you like the engines in the back? i never made something like this before. so for my super star destroyer line my a keep using you body ill give credit to you and leave a link to your profile
looks really good dude wow
we must have a revolution who stand with me to secure our future and keep SP great!!!
i know im joking but we have to stand up and keep this community pure and not fall in to a pit were we all steal ideas from each other. we must welcoming new and old members and giving the support so they can nature new ideas so they can blossom in to a tree and its roots may hold another part of this community in our orchard.
its ok
nice dude looks great
+1why is every one just quieting and leaving plz dont go
@AceOfSpade @himynameiswalrus come on really again a copy my goodness what has this community come too stealing from fellow members for what different colored points its just a number yes i appreciate that people that i can call friends got me here and helped me but i guess im just kicking a dead horse again
@FireFuse looks really good
0-0 my super star destroyer in in trouble
looks good
@Supercraft888 i was being funny
@DavidTheFlyingHippo no problem
my pilot is dead my wings are gone and my fuselage is in china fun times fun times
dont spam dude
looks really good man
@Seeras i will not give up
@Seeras ok
@Robbisboss123 its a super star destroyer
@RedFalcon yes one of my fav is the phantom f-4
@Himynameiswalrus lol
@xboxsparta321 no problem
@xboxsparta321 yeah it really good your going to get gold in no time with stuff like this XD
@himynameiswalrus omg this is really good
@Himynameiswalrus im tired of this bull crap it just makes me so angry so no air craft to day maybe
wow come on really i was going to up vote but now why even bother mmmm! im taking a break for a while ):(
@HiILikePie why did i do this its stuck in my head now" hit me with your... no no no stay strong
i got you buddy ill fix it when i get home
ok hit me with your best shooooot i said hit me with your best shooot FIRRRRRRRE AWAY oo sorry i kind of got carried a way
well umm mom the reason my room is on fire is because well i was playing this game and well i wanted to test my pc so i up all my settings and tried a pc killer and well thats why we are homeless.
ok ill infiltrate SP headquarters and get some answers ):)
@RedFalcon cool but the f-105 looks soo cool
@Seeras i dont have the building skills
@UltimatePilot he re-posted it again
@Seeras i dont think i have the skills to build it sorry for bringing your hopes up :(..
@Seeras im gong to save the eclipse class super star destroyer for later or if you want to build it you can
@RedFalcon i got all of them now i think you'll got 3,000 now
@RedFalcon F-105 thundercrack
@RedFalcon no problem XD
@RedFalcon congrats for 2,000
@Seeras ill try this ia only stage one tho more will come in time
@RedFalcon no problem im going to up vote all of you planes
@RedFalcon no problem
@UltimatePilot my god this is good really good
@UltimatePilot i know its really good
@Seeras do you like the engines in the back? i never made something like this before. so for my super star destroyer line my a keep using you body ill give credit to you and leave a link to your profile
@Seeras i tried
@UltimatePilot whats wrong it looks good
@Seeras yes its hard to make
@Seeras I cant make a eclipse class super star destroyer I cant get the front of the ship to dip down as I like it to
hey I guess this is in memory in my grandfather he did 2 years ago and he loved star wars so here you go