285 gyros81 Comments

  • framewobbler - 3.3 years ago

    @frame I completely understand your position. I will keep plugging away at it until I resolve the issues. Eventually I will get there, and hopefully I can learn a bit along the way.
    Thanks for taking the time to reply. And thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it. Best of Luck in all your future endeavors.

  • GCL-23A "Sky Gondola" 1.2 years ago

    @Graingy I was impressed by this nice little flyer, but I didn't think it's vertical stability issues were all that catastrophic. I am by no means any kind of engineer, but I had a few ideas I thought might help.
    Respectfully, I have just uploaded a lightly modified version that I think manages to achieve stability by slightly reshaping and repositioning the wings, tail, and control surfaces as well as modifying the prop and engine. It's a nice, stable, sweet little observation cruiser. Very enjoyable to fly. I would be curious as to your thoughts.

  • GCL-23A "Sky Gondola" 1.2 years ago

    @Rattlesnake With Repsect, I am not so certain about that. I believe it's an issue of CG/CM positioning. I just uploaded a lightly modified version that I think manages to achieve stability by slightly reshaping and repositioning the wings, tail, and control surfaces. It's a nice, stable, sweet little observation cruiser. Very enjoyable to fly. I would be curious as to your thoughts.

  • Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe (S-64 Army Livery) 4.0 years ago

    Any chance of persuading you to add on the cargo pod, as depicted in the photo?
    Or have I overlooked it, perchance?

  • A-29 2.8 years ago

    Funky Lil Wildcat, lots of fun.

  • framewobbler - 3.3 years ago

    I was very impressed with this design. I've been exploring VTOL craft quite a bit, and this one is one of the better I have found.
    Is there any chance of convincing you to create/modify a version with a larger cabin/ more seats without sacrificing cargo space or balance?
    I'm still VERY inexperienced in this game. I've been slowly teaching myself by modifying other's designs, but I'm not nearly advanced enough to alter this one without causing severe issues. I hope you don't mind that I was playing around with your design a bit. I was trying to graft your framesonics 4 seater cabin onto your framewobbler VTOL body without losing any of the cargo space. However I just can't seem to pull it together into a stable, working model. I can get one that flies decently, but things keep going catastrophically wrong.
    I thought it was a cool idea, and I would love to see a properly done version.
    Any luck?

  • Mitsubishi A6M Zero 3.6 years ago

    What a wonderful flyer!