39.8k hanleehan03

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joined 8.7 years ago

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Hello, Lady or Gentleman!

Welcome to the technology pirate's blog XD

Nice meet you!

I'm a South Korean user who likes cars.
(If you look at my works, you can see that most of them are cars)

I've been playing this game for 7 years!
I think SimplePlanes is the best game I'm enjoying.

The reason why I play this game is that I enjoy making cars, but also I want others to enjoy SimplePlanes by my works.

Many people who are greater than me are spotlighting or curating and SimplePlanes Users upvote to my work.

Whenever I see this, I always feel thankful!
Thank You!

If you're curious or want to remake about my works, always ask! My works is Free Source.

I'm not an English-speaking user so, I use a translator often.
So if there's anything weird about what I'm saying, I'd appreciate it if you could tell me!