315 hyxscott Comments

  • 'RA3' Guardian tank 8.7 years ago

    RED ALERT 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • B-002A 8.8 years ago

    @djbanana thank u!

  • J-14-Superior Fighter Final Edition 8.8 years ago

    @MediocrePlanes @Skua Thank you for preserving the justice in this community. I hope love is the most powerful strength in the universe. People have different opinions, but if they friendly shared the thinking instead of being hostile to each other, this platform would be better. The world would be better.

  • J-14-Superior Fighter Final Edition 8.8 years ago

    @Glaceon I've been to Britain such a long time, I believe British are gentle and polite. But you might be those group of people who without upbringing in their entire life. Do you actually know how offline military computer system works? Do you think Americans saved their classified design in their kids' iPhone? Seriously? Are you the guy with narrow mind and easily believed in the rumors released from the media!? Oh, I get it. Or maybe not. I mean maybe you are not as silly as you are. Probably you are being kinda jealous of those Chinese's success. Oh holy moly, that is racism!!!!!! Should I help you with calling 112??? Not only that, look at your discrimination against a 7-year-old child!? But you know what, your judgement is even worse than a 7-year-old little kid! What a shame! Hope someone else can help you get out of the well in your back yard, unless you are living in an apartment, but still toilet works for you perfectly.

  • Mars Rover from The Martian 9.0 years ago


  • Barracuda 9.2 years ago

    @JoeAdkinson13 thank you