What do ya think of this... eh?
I think it's time we talk about the media... freaking dam people who DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT ACTUAL FAKE NEWS IS. Idiots think that FOX NEWS is fake news or CNN is fake news. Fake news is when someone says one after another and so on, repetitive falsely claimed statements that can not be supported. CNN is not complete fake news. They do say true things most of the time but idiots on the alt right just refuse to believe and want what they want they think everyone else is horrible and stupid. They just are selfish repugnant bastards. Trump himself has denounced Neo Nazis saying "very fine people on both sides." Listen. He said: Nazis are fine. People against nazis are fine...do ya see the problem there. Our world is already filled with so much hell, we don't need a president who thinks hate groups are fine. He doesn't care about other countries well being. FOX NEWS is also not fake news... they say some truth. But sometimes they say inflammatory statements to rile people up and then all hell breaks loose. I've watched both stations over the years. I've noticed the patterns. When Fox News is attacked, oh they just go along with their days saying they had nothing to do with it or that it's not true. However, when CNN is attacked, they usually take blame for the event or comment said. @XxcreedexX @Strikefighter04 @ProKillaV12
It does for me. @PilotOfFuture
Can ya make a Cockpit that has 100 range. If possible. If not , make a Cleaver with mass of 0 @PilotOfFuture
YES XD@Dynamicneedle
The 7th WTH
What do ya think of this... eh?
Why not-.- @RailfanEthan
._. Look it up @Coltonlane
XDD @Prinzessin
Erm mind if I make the Sharnhorst? @Prinzessin
Oh yes yes @niggelas100
Dude spread the word._. @Awsomur
Watch your mouth KID
A stunt? Or more power... @niggelas100
As in... @niggelas100
His hair looks like a bread loaf
Please. Remove this...
This is not an f-16.... wtf
I can fly it with ease... XD
Take that back 3-8 days@Prinzessin
It will take a while. Depending on:
Remaking the hull + Structure = 3-5days
Structural readjustment = 2 days @Prinzessin
Sure thing. I shall try. @Prinzessin
Eh... @QingyuZhou
Wot... @QingyuZhou
I think it's time we talk about the media... freaking dam people who DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT ACTUAL FAKE NEWS IS. Idiots think that FOX NEWS is fake news or CNN is fake news. Fake news is when someone says one after another and so on, repetitive falsely claimed statements that can not be supported. CNN is not complete fake news. They do say true things most of the time but idiots on the alt right just refuse to believe and want what they want they think everyone else is horrible and stupid. They just are selfish repugnant bastards. Trump himself has denounced Neo Nazis saying "very fine people on both sides." Listen. He said: Nazis are fine. People against nazis are fine...do ya see the problem there. Our world is already filled with so much hell, we don't need a president who thinks hate groups are fine. He doesn't care about other countries well being. FOX NEWS is also not fake news... they say some truth. But sometimes they say inflammatory statements to rile people up and then all hell breaks loose. I've watched both stations over the years. I've noticed the patterns. When Fox News is attacked, oh they just go along with their days saying they had nothing to do with it or that it's not true. However, when CNN is attacked, they usually take blame for the event or comment said. @XxcreedexX @Strikefighter04 @ProKillaV12
This isn't American...-.-
I'm in school. Too lmao
Doesn't let me...?
Can't get to it.?
9 in length
9 in .... oh
9 in length...
1.5 in width...
1.5 in height...
THERE @Jengstrom
XDDDDD @Awsomur
Like...this? @Awsomur
Or maybe like... 503, with like, a WWII battlefield in the background? Or something of US Military? @Awsomur
Please tell this kid to shut it...>_> he's been saying ** about this creation even though it's clearly mine.
... @XT1L
Yes... I don't notice anything. It's just a damn simple guided missile. @Oski
There ain't nothing secret about it...
...what is so special about it...???
... @Mostly
Oh wow @phanps
Well then. Ill see what I can do then lmao. @FlyingThings