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  • test - Cyclocopter 4 9.1 years ago

    @JolanXBL Could always try the Magnus effect next.
    Fuselages mounted to the rotator block and vtol nozzles to send them spinning backwards. No chance it would work though.

  • test - Cyclocopter 4 9.1 years ago

    Watching it now, really similar approach to mine, sorry if the initial post wasn't clear it was a quick post.
    Yeah, pretty much the same experience as me. I ended up with a quad rotor set up, much longer and narrower wings than yours, but no better results. A mod to the allowed rotator block speed, and output of the VTOL nozzles might get there.
    Like the gatling rockets idea, a lot.

  • test - Cyclocopter 4 9.1 years ago

    I had a go yesterday too, and would agree that the rotor block is possibly the limiting factor here, definitely doesn't spin very fast. I doubt that the physics would model for lift from that configuration currently anyway.

    I ended up installing an additional normal jet engine and starting from an approach location with the engines already fired up. When I got it stable-ish, I would say that I managed a somewhat slowed fall. Probably no better and likely worse than it would have been with one set of conventional wings with the same area as one rotor blade.

  • Need ideas 9.1 years ago

    Cyclocopter. I have an idea of how to do it, but it's a bit of a pain on Android.

    Central body with freely rotating blocks on either side, structure like a rotary lawnmower blade with wings as blades mounted to those. Centrally mounted VTOL engines with nozzles on 'lawnmower' structure to make them turn.

    Doubt it would fly though.

  • 770mph hydrofoil (weasel) 9.1 years ago

    There's a 1000mph version of this now. Much more unstable getting it up on to the foils though.

  • hydrofoil 1000mph 9.1 years ago

    Modification to instructions - getting it up on to the foils is finicky. If it starts to wobble once up on the front, you're going to roll. Most reliable method I've found is VTOL slightly below top of slider. Power to about 20%. At 100mph push up on right stick for a second or so and release. As the rear foils rise it will become more stable. Wait until it is, and then full power. At about 600mph push and hold ever so slightly down on right stick. Top speed varies depending on exactly where you are holding right stick, I've had it flip out anywhere between 950 and 1010mph.

  • 770mph hydrofoil (weasel) 9.1 years ago

    Easier to add more info in comments than type on Android.

    Bit of a tap up on the right stick at about 100mph helps get it up on to the foils. Don't steer at speed, unless you like watching cartwheeling. Which you do, so you will.

    Tried various configurations of four engines, but ran out of patience fiddling with various foils, dead weight etc to make it work. I did manage to get one run to work with a four engine version, and saw 830mph.

    Lots of potential tweaks, now wondering why the frontal area is so big, originally had two foils mounted there, but never reduced it when I went down to one foil.