367 jaj70116 Comments

  • Delta Plus(WR) 4.5 years ago

    MSN-001A1 Delta Plus (Δ+) Delta is actually UC in the mid-80s. With the help of AEUG, AE started the development of TMS (Transformable Mobile Suit) as part of the "Plan Z", aiming to have a transformation. It is a developmental MS of the highly mobile general-purpose body MSN-001 Delta Gundam. At that time, the key technical problem of MSN-001 Delta Gundam-the structural strength problem was not resolved, that is, when the complex deformed structure is adopted, the frame of the body cannot withstand high G forces. This caused the development of MS to stall. In view of the high degree of completion of the development of other parts of the machine, due to the increasingly fierce battle of Greps, in desperation, under the leadership of the development director Dr. M. Nagano, the deformed structure was abandoned and the lightweight MSN-100 was obtained. It was put on the front line and became the flag fighter of AEUG at that time.
    With the passage of time, TMS's R&D technology has also continuously improved. AE company used the feedback data of MSZ-006Zeta Gundam to improve the design of Delta Gundam. By optimizing the frame layout of the torso part and the use of new materials, the original design was successfully realized. Like Zeta Gundam, Delta Gundam can be transformed into Waverider cruising form. In this form, the body can penetrate into the atmosphere as a single plane and can fly under 1G gravity. At the same time, in the MS form, the body retains the Hundred-style lightweight frame. The two wings that were originally in the Waverider form can be placed behind and used as movable Binder propulsion wings. It can be seen that the machine not only has a deformed structure from Zeta Gundam, but also inherits the outstanding high sportiness of the Baishi series.
    Due to the situation at the time, the performance advantage of the Delta Gundam was not obvious. To ensure the original intention of recovering the early development cost, AE developed the first mass production type-MSN-001A1 Delta Plus, as the competitive mass production TMS The layout of the market. On the premise of improving productivity, Delta Plus abandoned the striking golden yellow light-resistant paint that is unique to the Baishi series and replaced it with a slightly low-key dark gray paint.

  • Delta Plus(WR) 4.5 years ago

    MSN-001A1 Delta Plus(Δ+) 德尔塔其实是U.C.80年代中期,在A.E.U.G的帮助下,AE社着手进行TMS(Transformable Mobile Suit)的开发『Z计划』中的一环,是志在拥有变形结构的高机动泛用机体MSN-001 Delta Gundam的发展型MS。在当时,MSN-001 Delta Gundam关键性的技术难题——结构强度问题迟迟得不到解决,即当采用复杂的变形结构,机体的框架就无法将承受较高的G力。这导致MS的开发陷于停滞。鉴于机体其他部分的开发完成度已经较高,出于Greps战役的日渐激烈,无奈之下,在开发主任M·Nagano博士的主导下,只得将变形结构舍弃,得到了轻量化的MSN-100 百式,并投入到了前线,还成为了当时A.E.U.G的旗机。
    随着时间的推移,TMS的研发技术也不断进步。AE公司利用MSZ-006Zeta Gundam的反馈数据,对Delta Gundam的设计进行改良,通过优化躯干部分的框架布局及新型材料的引用,成功实现了最初的设计初衷。与Zeta Gundam相同,Delta Gundam可变形为Waverider巡航形态,机体可在这种形态下单机突入大气层,并可以在1G重力的条件下飞行。与此同时在MS形态下,机体保留了百式的轻量化框架,原本作为Waverider形态的两翼可置于背后,作为可活动的Binder推进翼使用。由此可见,该机不但拥有来自Zeta Gundam的变形结构,并且继承了百式系列一贯出色的高运动性。
    由于以当时的局势来说,Delta Gundam的性能优势并不明显,为保证先期开发成本得以回收的初衷,AE公司开发出先行量产型——MSN-001A1 Delta Plus,作为竞争量产型TMS的市场的布局。在提高生产性的前提下,Delta Plus舍弃了百式系列所特有的醒目金黄色耐光束涂料,改为使用略显低调的暗灰色涂装。
    技术人员希望量产形态的Delta Plus能够得到客户的青睐。可惜事与愿违,Zeta Gundam的量产型——Z Plus系列早已捷足先登,成为了Karaba的列装机型,AEUG也使用Z Plus担当低轨道巡航以及宙间警戒任务,这使得Z Plus特点相近的Delta Plus失去了用武之地。另一方面,Delta Plus出众的机动性能也提高了对操纵者驾驶技能的要求,普通驾驶员往往无法驾驭这匹迅捷的骏马。长时间无人问津和新技术进步,使得Delta Plus陷入了弃之可惜,食之无味的鸡肋境地,最终量产计划被搁置,为数甚少的原型机也被打入冷宫。即便到了U.C.0093年『夏亚之反乱』期间,该机也没能得到启用的机会。
    MSN-001A1 Delta Plus(Δ+)在武装方面,继承了已经成熟标准配置的Beam Rifle及Beam Saber。之外,Delta Plus得益于核融炉技术的进步,还可以搭载Full Armor百式改所使用的长距离MEGA粒子炮,大大提高了单机火力,该武器在Waverider形态下也可使用。这样的武装即使在90年代,也凌驾于大部分的量产机火力之上,并且与当时的尖端机并驾齐驱。
    时光荏苒,U.C.0096年拉普拉斯战争期间,遭到『带袖的』袭击,损失数架MS的Londo Bell战舰Nahel Argama急需补充战力,随同战舰的亚伯特·毕斯特通过毕斯特财团要求AE社火速送来装备支援。仓促之中尘封多年的Delta Plus被拖出仓库,经过简单整备后便作为支援送往Nahel Argama吗,并被分配为利迪·马瑟纳斯少尉的座机。尽管被Nahel Argama上整备人员视为古董机,利迪少尉的操纵下,Delta Plus甫上战场就立刻击落了三架敌机,其性能不但凌驾于新锐Zeta量产机RGZ-95 Rezel之上,甚至可以达到Gundam级别战斗力,『带袖的』亲卫队长安杰洛上尉将此机称作『无角Gundam』。
    在Palau攻防战与RX-0 Gundam Unicorn并肩作战后,该机随利迪少尉降下地球并转战四方,并与战舰Ra Cailum上的Jesta三连星小队再次上演了经典的『竟然用我的头当踏板』名场景。凭借极高泛用性和稳定性能,MSN-001A1 Delta Plus(Δ+)尽管没有实现量产,却印证了当年Nagano博士『此机可用百年』的豪言壮语,成为宇宙世纪机动兵器中的一颗璀璨遗珠。后来于地球联邦军所属空母伽楼达的机库内被普露十二驾驶的RX-0 Banshee 报丧女妖彻底破坏,告别战场。(在小说中并未损毁,仅仅损失手臂,利迪带着亚伯特脱离险境)
    机体代号(英文): Delta plus 中文:德尔塔 普勒斯
    出现作品: 机动战士高达Unicorn
    制造商: 阿纳海姆电子公司
    内部环境: 标准式全视野监控
    尺寸: 头顶高:18.5米
    装甲材料及结构: 高达尼姆合金(gundarium alloy)
    加速度: 1.15G
    固定武装: 头部60mm火神炮×2;光束军刀×2
    选用武装: 专用盾牌
    选用手部武器: 光束步枪
    远程武器: 长距离MEGA粒子炮[1]

  • Archangel 4.7 years ago

    @Flash0of0green thanks, I will improve it