955 jeremye300 Comments

  • Stackeable Guns Subassembly 8.9 years ago

    @Dstroyer101 There's a button for it when you have a group of detached parts selected. Just tap that, and it takes you to the naming screen.

  • All-Terrain Quad (Now with forward motion) 9.0 years ago

    @TheRealPorkins use detacher 1 to start

  • All-Terrain Quad (Now with forward motion) 9.0 years ago

    @TheRealPorkins It flew just fine for me...

  • All-Terrain Quad 9.0 years ago

    I made a new version of this on my account. If you could please check that out and tell me what you think, it would be much appreciated!

  • Asymetry 9.3 years ago

    Assymetric Plane Challenge (Should have entered this too)

  • Ski gull 9.3 years ago

    Assymetric Plane Challenge

  • Missile fun 9.3 years ago

    Assymetric Plane Challenge

  • VTOL Asymetrical plane 9.3 years ago

    Cool entry. I like how the cockpit was put to one side. It makes the steering so much more smooth looking while in the air.

  • Mountain Climber by SR 9.3 years ago

    Great job. My new favorite build

  • Jetpack (Now With Backflips) 9.9 years ago

    Well in that case I apologize. @Legomore

  • Amazing Jetpack Geoff Joyride 9.9 years ago

    If it isn't too hard, could you please post a plane that is only the jet pack that is used in this plane. I would be very interested in using it for future designs. (With full credits to you obviously. ;)

  • Jetpack (Now With Backflips) 9.9 years ago

    @Legomore No I didn't. It was not my intention to use the design of the jet pack as my own, and I wanted only to add a new and fun feature to an already awesome creation. Even the person who created the jet pack realized this.