722 jsschrstrcks Comments

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier 9.6 years ago

    @Teus yes yes yes :)

  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier 9.6 years ago

    I just wish it would let me use it on my iPad.

  • Monthly Challenge (Build a JSF) 9.7 years ago

    @ElijtheGreat - I was wondering, but I see now that it was pushed back a day. Have fun flying, and trying to judge all these fun planes. There is some stiff competition for sure.

  • JAWS 9.7 years ago

    @KingReaper - you must not be running the latest version of the game.

  • splitting boat 9.7 years ago

    That means on my ipad, when I push the button to split one half runs off, and the other goes turtle. Having an engine, and some stability in the second part - making it so that after the split, you can keep driving the second part, would be nice.

  • Avanti DR-5 (stable pontoon) 9.7 years ago


  • A.crzy II 9.7 years ago

    interesting look. not worth downloading. no engine or fuel.

  • Fast 9.7 years ago

    Not all that fast, no control surfaces and thus it either crashes, or refuses to take off. Hit top speed of 525 in a crash from final approach location. Suggest landing gear, and some way to control the vehicles direction in flight.

  • JAWS 9.7 years ago

    I agree with @Weebabyseamus

  • Fastest jet 9.7 years ago

    Nice first contribution. Not the fastest, and hard to handle but kinda fun.

  • K 67 big boomer 9.7 years ago

    Little itty bitty boom, but beautiful design thermite.

  • splitting boat 9.7 years ago

    Would be better if you continued to be able to use it post split

  • Jsf Challenge - mach 1 backwards (USA) 9.7 years ago

    I have a variant that goes a lot faster, but it breaks up easier also.

  • Jsf Challenge attempt 1 (USA) 9.7 years ago

    I suppose anyone could copy anything from any one.

  • Battleship 9.7 years ago

    Cool man, nice work.

  • Jsf Challenge attempt 1 (USA) 9.7 years ago

    @mufasa6896 Sorry McDonnell Douglas - but Massive Dynamic doesn't reveal trade secrets :). But yes, to both.

  • Monthly Challenge (Build a JSF) 9.7 years ago

    Rating this to publicize it

  • Jsf Challenge attempt 1 (USA) 9.7 years ago

    Thanks :)

  • Jsf Challenge attempt 1 (USA) 9.7 years ago

    Team usa

  • Top speed 4k 9.7 years ago

    Thanks @elijthegreat - yeah it has a lot of parts

  • Plane with realistic cockpit 9.7 years ago

    Love the yoke. Flies pretty well - better balanced than one would think looking at it. Rolls and turns and pitches like a river barge though.

  • super fast floating desteroyer 9.7 years ago

    Boat, sorry, not a plane.

  • super fast floating desteroyer 9.7 years ago

    This plane does two things well: slow and uni-directional travel.

  • Mach 1 challenge mk 2 9.7 years ago

    What are your physics set at? I am flying with "high" physics.

  • Mach 1 challenge mk 2 9.7 years ago

    @TheStar I suppose it still is a flying W, part of the wobble is the wings attached by "detacher", those things act like they are made out of rubber, and wiggle when the plane moves.

  • Mach 1 challenge mk 2 9.7 years ago

    What's wrong this time?

  • Mach 1 challenge mk 2 9.7 years ago

    Still four stars though? @thestar

  • Automatic Missile Launcher Prototype 9.7 years ago

    Love this thing

  • 1st plane 9.7 years ago

    I'd rather see you bake your own cake, but 3 stars for a nice job decorating it.

  • Mach 1 Challenge 9.7 years ago

    @TheStar are you turning with yaw? Or by rolling, and pulling back on the right joy stick? It has NO yaw controls worth talking about, but I wasn't aware anyone used those. I will resubmit with yaw controls....

  • Mach 1 Challenge 9.7 years ago

    @TheStar I think the physics engines are different between iOS and android. What you've said falls apart held for me, and vice versa. Same holds true for handling - planes you've rated as handling great we're dogs, and sometimes vice versa.

  • Mach 1 challenge 9.7 years ago

    Fast, love the moving wings, but not the modded engines. Good control over all and balance.

  • not my march 1 challenge anymore :) 9.7 years ago

    Hacked engines, and abusing a glitch. :( No pitch control at top speed. Looks awesome though.

  • Mach-1 chalenge 9.7 years ago

    Wallows badly, really badly. Needs a bigger vertical stabilizer. Flys pretty well, if a bit jerky. Hit 1000 in a power dive. Pitch is weak.

  • Mach 1 challange 9.7 years ago

    Probably the most maneuverable plane in the challenge. Maybe too maneuverable for one of ,y skill level. Hit 900 in a power dive, and broke the wings off when I tried to pull out.

  • Mach 1 challenge 9.7 years ago

    Wings popped off before I hit Mach. It wallows (like mine) because of insufficient vertical stabilizers. Finally, thank you for this submission, because it was what alerted me to the competition, and caused me to make an entry.

  • Mach 1 Challenge 9.7 years ago

    Quick, if stiff. Hit 900 in a power dive, 800 at sea level. Pitch sucked, frankly :( otherwise 5 stars.

  • Mantaray 9.7 years ago

    Worked fantastic till I Ctivated group 1 and the vtol engines fell off, the wings came off and plane broke up. Don't activate group 1 and it flys pretty well, if in pretty significant loops.

  • Mach 1 Challenge 9.7 years ago

    Another solid entry! Hit 1104 in a power dive, and then ran out of gas. Well balanced, fast and fun. Good luck in the challenge!

  • Tupolev Tu-144 9.7 years ago

    Your entry sort of wallows like mine. It's due to insufficient verticle stabilizers. Top speed of 1046, I didn't break it. Good job:)

  • Mach 1 challenge 9.7 years ago

    @TheStar there is an updated version that just released for iOS, should let you download this plane.

  • RE: March 1 Challenge 9.7 years ago

    Fun plane. Love that you need no landing gear. In flight if you drop your speed below 300 or so, it becomes unstable. Top speed of about 1400 in a 40,000 ft power dive. Pretty well balanced. A solid entry that should prove tough to beat.

  • Finch Mk-1 9.7 years ago

    1875 mph in a power dive, however the wings couldn't take the stress of gently pulling out of it. Might consider adding some brakes, and adding some more control surfaces for the various directions. Less strain on any one surface means it's less likely to break a given surface.

  • Mach 1 challenge 9.7 years ago

    One of my early favorites, fast as all get out, pretty maneuverable (before Mach 2 any way). All I. All its a pretty good platform.

  • The Mach 1 CHALLENGE 9.7 years ago

    Rating this to give it more exposure

  • mach 1 first entry 9.7 years ago

    Great first effort.looks like it would be fast as heck because I hit 300 almost instantly. However the wings fall off, and some of the speed takes advantage of a glitch. At 300 what was left of the plane broke up.

  • The Mach 1 CHALLENGE 9.7 years ago

    Alright @TheStar I finally got it right :)

  • The Mach 1 CHALLENGE 9.7 years ago

    Thanks @Virus

  • my fastest plane 2.O 9.7 years ago

    Liftoff would be easier if you could move your landing gear forward. Taking off you basically use your rear wheels as a fulcrum.