17.4k karlosdarkness Comments

  • B-30 (Land the Damaged Bomber!) 8.6 years ago

    Nice cockpit, good concept but the plane is a bit explosive with the power on.

  • Bluebird 8.6 years ago

    You need to invert the pitch controls on the main wings.

  • Avo Apprentice FT1 8.6 years ago

    @Tango4Mango yup I don't like them, much prefer a bit of realism, jet fighters are supposed to have a limited range/endurance.

  • Avo Apprentice FT1 8.6 years ago

    Take the infinite fuel blocks out and its not bad at all although a bit drinky given the two medium jets.

  • Propeller Engines are so Underpowered. 8.7 years ago

    New props are still partly for decoration only, I've a habit of a sticking old style props (modified or not) inside fuselage blocks if you need extra thrust

  • Military Plane 8.7 years ago

    Welcome to simple planes.

  • S.E.5a 8.7 years ago

    looks awesome.

  • Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless 8.7 years ago

    http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/3vues.html if you are interested in making replicas this is an excellent reference site.

  • Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless 8.7 years ago

    Flies ok but doesn't look all that much like a Dauntless, you would want 3 parts minimum for each wing to make a Dauntless shape wing, square near the fuselage, tapered in at the rear with dihedral and then rounded at the end. I would also generally avoid semi symmetric main wings as you tend to end up very lifty. Tail section also could do with looking at.

  • WTI MK.II 8.7 years ago

    Welcome to simple planes, smaller control surfaces would make this plane fly better.

  • MiG-21Fishbed 8.7 years ago

    Symmetric main wings improve the way it flies. As for the wing gun I tend to rotate the wing until I get the end on the barrel to just poke out.

  • MiG-21Fishbed 8.7 years ago

    It's a mig21 but looks fun, downloading now, I uploaded a 23 just a few moments ago.

  • Superior Assualt Craft 8.8 years ago

    I like it enough to have made a few alterations.... coming soon to a website near you.

  • Rascher1 Pod entry 8.8 years ago

    Reset the main gold sail to symmetric and she flies better, just watch out for engine overspeeds, loosing a pod is a bad result.

  • WW3 Aircraft Challenge/Group 8.9 years ago

    https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/r510yS/North-Korea-swarm-bomber here's a cheap target for all those NATO missiles.

  • WW3 Aircraft Challenge/Group 8.9 years ago

    Go on then stick me with the NK's lets kill a carrier!!!

  • This guy needs more attention ... 8.9 years ago

    @TehDuckFather kind of you to check out some of my stuff, I'm not a self publicist probably why I have few followers and most stuff ends up with less than 50 downloads.

  • Flying Wing 8.9 years ago

    @Nickasaurus sorry about the speeeelingz. Had 5% power and was in hospital when I posted this yesterday....

  • Avro Lancaster MK2 8.9 years ago

    Not exactly anything new, my plane on which this is based had the opening bays and the bomb in the bay.

  • Avro Lancaster -Tallboy 8.9 years ago

    @bjac0 He did indeed but nearly 200 (out of 440) parts got trimmed for the version this is based on so significant revision.

  • stirling 8.9 years ago

    Welcome to simple planes

  • 1900-1935 Challenge-Trinity fighter 8.9 years ago

    Congratulations on your round two victory.

  • Kawasaki Ki-10 8.9 years ago

    Tough luck in round one, seems it was close run

  • useless thingy can´´'t fly 9.0 years ago

    Flys from a land base, admittedly not that well but it flys.

  • Hawker Typhoon mk1b 9.0 years ago

    @LaggAttack consider this was uploaded 7months ago, before propellers or structural fuselage was about so it's wing panels and nose cones.

  • AR-2B(AtA) 9.0 years ago

    It's a good start, needs a few tweaks to make it better, greater power, less turn on the jets, more control surface etc.

  • NIMROD MK2 9.0 years ago

    A little longer in the body and this would be an excellent replica.

  • experimental jet 9.0 years ago

    Well built, could do with the rear wheels moving forward and the tail surfaces and elevators extending.

  • Lockheed S-3 Viking updated 9.0 years ago

    It's got lots going for it but perhaps needs making more realistic as far as turn pitch and power goes.

  • HKAI Need Help! 9.0 years ago

    Can't help as don't have lights mod.

  • Flying super dog 9.0 years ago

    @bspboy now with basic flying ability.

  • Sky Cup Tournaments 9.0 years ago

    My entry won't likely win as its 83 years old, but it could do with at least a few more downloads, I mean one download in over two hours for a historic replica; https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/v6826X/Savoia-Marchetti-SM-65

  • Forever spinning rotators! 9.0 years ago

    Orange has so much torque it rips everything apart, blue doesn't have enough pace to make for an electronic motor.

  • X-25 Jackal 9.0 years ago

    I like it but it doesn't need wing guns and miniguns.

  • F-35C Lightning II 9.0 years ago

    Awesome but rolls hard left on take off.

  • VTOL questions 9.0 years ago

    Simplest method is a single set of nozzles either side of the Centre of Mass, you need rcns front back left and right if you want some control.

  • ASM Platform. 9.0 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 if you hold full pitch whilst armed agreed, she's not a fighter.

  • F-104 with Modded BFE 120 9.0 years ago

    The DoD regrets to inform you of the loss of your X.......Rear fin separation at just under 900mph make for catastrophic loss of aircraft.

  • Flap Spoiler Experimental Research Aircraft 9.0 years ago

    Airbrake/Flaps making the planes nose sink in my opinion is the opposite of what you want.

  • WWII Challenge 9.1 years ago

    Wing flex issues are my guess, try building more with structural wing parts as this is wobblier than a jelly and you can make it break apart in mid air, shame as its pretty to look at.

  • I Need Help 9.1 years ago

    Space your outriggers out a bit, make them buoyant and remove the excess weight.

  • Modern replica competition 9.1 years ago

    That's the thing, speed and climb do matter in real life as planes would seldom go head to head but cpu v cpu it's all turn and shoot from whatever range.

  • Modern replica competition 9.1 years ago

    https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/s1770l/KDi-Fortune-F1 this can out run and out turn your bluejet, however it takes a human brain and a bit of practice to take advantage of its abilities and not kill yourself in the process, computer -v- computer it will loose four times out of five.

  • KDi Fortune F1 9.1 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld you have to ask special permission to have a go on a threpny bit.

  • WWI & WWII challenge (Closed) 9.1 years ago

    At least 3 other challenges all the same already open.

  • Tiny Bomber Challenge 9.1 years ago

    I've uploaded a light bomber your challenge wasn't exactly clear as to what you wanted it to be able to do.

  • Spitfire mk2 9.1 years ago

    @Halfstrike gear on the spit folds out from the middle giving a narrower track, basically rotate the gear and move it closer the fuselage.

  • WWII challenge. (Halfstrike) 9.1 years ago

    I've just armed my SuperCobra if you want a duel https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Cu449h/Bell-SuperCobra-v4

  • Spitfire mk2 9.1 years ago

    Good flier although historically inaccurate with the landing gear and the four bladed prop. I've just armed my SuperCobra if you want a duel https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Cu449h/Bell-SuperCobra-v4

  • Aircraft super speed 9.1 years ago

    @Reedman I did it flipped crashed and blew up.