171 karock Comments

  • Helicopter w/ rotor tilt 9.1 years ago

    new version up now: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/pm4ek7/Helicopter-with-rotor-tilt-v2

    for some reason it didn't pick it up as a successor. oh well.

  • Helicopter w/ rotor tilt 9.1 years ago

    @AgDynamics think your suggestion to go back to the small prop might indeed be the way to go. seems like I might be able to simplify some other things in the xml and get better balance too. will probably put up a new version this afternoon. thanks!

  • Helicopter w/ rotor tilt 9.1 years ago

    yeah I limited the rotators to 2º or so. I was using the overpowered small prop engine but things started working better when I switched to the turboprop. might try switching back though to see if it was that or something else I did that improved the balance.

  • Helicopter w/ rotor tilt 9.1 years ago

    yeah, I messed with it for hours but couldn't get the forces to balance out. it's not a weight issue, seems like there's some kind of torque being applied somewhere but I wasn't able to figure out from what or how to counter it easily.

  • Jet Challenge 9.1 years ago


    not the most beautiful jet out there, but I put a lot of work into getting it to fly really well. check it out.

  • McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle 9.1 years ago

    thanks :) just realized something I did killed the nice light blue paint that was on the original though. that's a bummer. looked better than the plain white.

  • Twin Jet w/ Trim Canards 9.1 years ago

    glad you like! took forever to get the weight and balance just right heh