1,744 kingofsteam Comments

  • Simple Race Track 6.9 years ago

    Amazing job

  • Planes that are removed from the website 5.8 years ago

    i have never considered this im glad you are trying to bring back old planes if we can get enough comments im sure we can get more peoples opinion.

    my opinion on the matter is that you should be completely in the right as long as you give the original credit but they moderators might not see it that way maybe there is something in the rules section or something

  • Connection point help 5.8 years ago

    im at school right now but in about 4-5 hours i will get on it and see what i can do

  • Cold War Aircraft Fighters Challenge [CLOSED] 4.2 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT thanks much

  • Cold War Aircraft Fighters Challenge [CLOSED] 4.2 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT I am doing the naval scenario.
    Question are you piloting the plane or an AI

  • New Technologies: impactForce applications, realistic firearms/artillery 5.8 years ago

    @plane918273645 that would result in miss fire because the paneling guides it disabling a hollow fuselage aircraft collisions would result in it not being properly fired
    i guess he could put a hollow fuselage around the paneling to make it look nicer though

  • grandpa pigeon 5.8 years ago

    i love it

  • What do you want me to build? (aircraft only) 5.8 years ago

    @ColonelStriker this is an amazing idea i hope @0n33 does this or someone in general

  • traction engine sartn v1 5.8 years ago

    thank you @JamesBleriot

  • WISAF Bomber Order Posting Challenge 5.8 years ago

    got it @Canaircraft

  • WISAF Bomber Order Posting Challenge 5.9 years ago

    i must ask what are the specs i need to work with for mobile because i have a really bad mobile phone and a great gaming tablet so i want to work with as much as i can

  • LOOKING FOR nOoB PLANES 5.9 years ago

    i have plenty of planes from like a year or two ago soif you would like to go through or i can give suggestions

  • Give me idea for the next build aaaaaaaaaa 5.9 years ago

    a traction engine is a steam tractor and are really fun to build if you need tips or places to get xml parts i can help

  • Marine Piston Engines v1.0 5.9 years ago

    man this is an amazing collection of efficient piston engines that work really well i wish we had more of these being posted in simple planes

  • Recommendations please. 5.9 years ago

    i also run android so if i can you can to i bet with some time

  • Recommendations please. 5.9 years ago

    a traction engine basically a steam tractor that can move without rails and are really fun to make im working on one right now it should be published soon if i can figure out how to make it work without limitless spin

    you dont have to make it all run on one piston because that is really har try it with wheels and maybe a piston engine that just there for looks and i know some great places to get big or small pistons and gears if you are intrested

  • Recommendations please. 5.9 years ago

    blimp with steampunk design if you want to get more advanced put some working piston engines on it attached to propellers i tried to make a blimp once it was hard but i didn't end up publishing it because i didn't like it but if you want something really challenging read my next comment

  • ornthiopter R seris 5.9 years ago

    Has to be started in air

  • Steam Turbine Seaplane 6.7 years ago

    I've always been impressed with your work it gets rid of the . I
    work on a phone excuse

  • Remember these? 6.9 years ago

    @belugasub i still have one of these apple ipods with 160 gigabytes
    and i love it

  • piston power 6.9 years ago

    @Wongsud you can use any parts from any of my builds if you need them just tell people were you got them in description

  • piston power 6.9 years ago

    @Wongsud thank you. and by the way love your planes for a beginner your doing really good i tried to build an airliner recently and couldn't get it to work. oh and i have another cool thing kinda like this post called a traction tractor it was a fun build i suggest you try building one to

  • piston power 6.9 years ago

    @JetFly please don,t make up stuff. here is a link to his piston powered car https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/AkMXL0/Piston-Car tell me if this is the same @darkhawk138 @Wongsud

  • piston power 6.9 years ago

    @JetFly my piston powered vehicle is completely different from yours and if we go by your context then every single piston powered vehicle is pirated from your design which i no for a fact is not true.

  • piston power 6.9 years ago

    Tell me what you think thanks

  • Can someone help me with hovering 7.0 years ago

    @EternalDarkness OK thank you so much for your help

  • Can someone help me with hovering 7.0 years ago

    @EternalDarkness no I am willing to use XML I just don't know how

  • Can someone help me with hovering 7.0 years ago

    @EternalDarkness do I need a XML mod

  • The Incredibles! Velocipod 7.1 years ago

    i actually have tried to build this but i failed so thank you for making a working model

  • piston powered beast 7.2 years ago

    It uses the VTOL all the way up and can't climb fast

  • Omni Car 7.2 years ago

    Your welcome I couldent not upvote it when it obviously took so much time to make these wheels

  • german foker 3.0 7.5 years ago


  • p51 mustang 7.5 years ago


  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    @helilover03 same
    i dont know if the thing works

  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    I'm also in school so sorry for any delays

  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    But really thank you it might take me a while as I have kindle and own Mac but I can ask a friend like you guys said

  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    @RailfanEthan @helilover03 @F4f879 @Tully2001 @PilotOfFuture @JMicah4 thank you I will get to it as soon as I can

  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    @helilover03 that was a good challenge

  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    @helilover03 I almost forgot about that

  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    @RailfanEthan plus this is my 2nd email account that i use for this kind of stuff

  • bad news 7.5 years ago

    yeah but if anyone has good ideas that they want to share but want to stay unknown they can

  • Aviown ODD 2 7.5 years ago

    this is beutiful

  • APERTURE SCIENCE F1 RAcER CHALLENGE!!!!!! 7.6 years ago

    finaly a challenge about portal

  • Steam Punk Battle Airship 7.6 years ago

    this is so beautiful im in love

  • my first helicopter 7.6 years ago

    @Tazziedevil04 Ok

  • my first helicopter 7.6 years ago

    I@Tazziedevil04 is that sarcastic or real

  • you decide 7.6 years ago

    @Awsomur that is good advice

  • my first helicopter 7.6 years ago

    @Tazziedevil04 but do you want me to make it

  • you decide 7.6 years ago

    This may take a while because I will need to make a new hull for the ship