@JackAlpha26 We haved communism in our ex Yugoslavia and we have been like a Germany(or greater),but Americans was jelous and they started to bomb us with carpet bombs,bombs with pieces of uranium,and after that we disaparted to Serbia(my country),Croatia,Montenegro,Bosnia,Slovenia and Makedonia,and all of this countries are now in crisis. 😭😥😩😢
@Seabo14 Roger that!By the way there is a good website which have.a thousant paper planes templates to download,here it is www.papercraftsquare.com .Its a great hobby
@dogspit compare this https://www.google.rs/search?espv=2&biw=1827&bih=997&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=xf+85+goblin&oq=xf+85+goblin&gs_l=img.3...14372.14372.0.14535. and your plane
@VladCelTroll thanks
@yzazaz ok
@yzazaz ok
Did it shoots
@EternalDarkness HVALA BOGU DA SAM NAŠAO NEKOG IZ SRBIJE,uzgred i ja sam iz srbije
@EternalDarkness Yes i am
@JackAlpha26 there are a good civilians at america,but America always must to humiliate other countries
@Supercraft888 Oh, @Sauce sorry
@fluffypanda999 i,maybe if you give me a link
@EternalDarkness is that yugoslovian airforce emblem just repainted
@JackAlpha26 We haved communism in our ex Yugoslavia and we have been like a Germany(or greater),but Americans was jelous and they started to bomb us with carpet bombs,bombs with pieces of uranium,and after that we disaparted to Serbia(my country),Croatia,Montenegro,Bosnia,Slovenia and Makedonia,and all of this countries are now in crisis. 😭😥😩😢
Its quite good but peoples prefer planes from asia and europe
@JackAlpha26 no offense,but America destroyed it :'(
@JackAlpha26 Come back mother soviet russia
@Seabo14 Roger that!By the way there is a good website which have.a thousant paper planes templates to download,here it is www.papercraftsquare.com .Its a great hobby
@QuesoAirlines Roger That!!!
@TheRussianBrothers69 Read this: http://www.hortenwings.com
@oDDDynamics oh i forgot
@VladCelTroll i would be honored to you take a part in my challenge
@Peridot this is easier to be recognized
@Sarpanitu maybe....
@SimpleFlow Just relax i would never spam anybody specialy not you(i am your follower,why i would spam you
@DisferGoatz here it is https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/3ehe5C/Shreder-251
@DisferGoatz ok
@DisferGoatz can i set up fuselage to be circular?
@QuesoAirlines Ok
@QuesoAirlines here it is
@QuesoAirlines typing
That isnt black bear 2 it is a STURMTIGER
@ACMECo1940 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/jIc4Co/Russian-standard-vodka
@ACMECo1940 Good idea,maybe i make it
@FazingBlaze https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism
@WEAPONSMITH hahahahah ,i forgot that i can do that,i often atach bombs to detachers
@WEAPONSMITH how you count
it looks like Horten H.VI but with a little bit more angled wings
@GenrichTitov no problem
its so realistic
IT ISNT ANYMORE SMALLEST https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/1pO6TZ/Smallest-Aircraft
it isnt biggest anymore https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/730XwZ/LONGEST-PLANE-EVER-MAKED
@dogspit your build is TOO much FAT
@dogspit compare this https://www.google.rs/search?espv=2&biw=1827&bih=997&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=xf+85+goblin&oq=xf+85+goblin&gs_l=img.3...14372.14372.0.14535. and your plane
its too fat and mine is better https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/P5IIIB/XF-85-GOBLIN
@MysteryBox i cant find beter detacher
@BroPlanes you are looking on longest plane ever maded
how you maked engine tracers so long
howmuch cocpits you used on this plane