10.7k kyuSha

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joined 7.7 years ago

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Bio of kyuSha

Some facts about me:
-Im currently 17 years old, started with playing by the age of 14
-I was born in Germany, where I live since then
-At the moment I am a student for the glider licence ( I can fly the ASK 13, ASK 21, Ka 6 , Ka 8)
-I still go to school - class 10
-I want to become a fighter pilot one day, maybe testpilot for the airforce
-My favourite music genre is german rap and metal
-favourite bands are 187 Straßenbande, Iron Maiden and Metallica

My favourite plane: Messerschmitt Bf 109
My favourite plane: Messerschmitt Bf 109



My goals:

  • Get 100 followers 45/100
  • Get 10 featured post 4/10

My planed posts:

( this arent the planes i upload as next, this are just the planes i would like to build. there are more other planes i upload before the listened planes. )
- Bf 109 [ done ] [ featured ] (Germany)
- Bf 110 [ 25 % ] (Germany)
- Fw 200 [ 0 % ] (Germany)
- Spitfire [ 50 % ] (Great Britain)
- P-51 Mustang [ 0 % ] (USA)
- B-17 Flying Fortress [ 0 % ] (USA)
- Lancaster [ 0 % ] (Great Britain)
- Arado Ar 234 [ 0 % ] (Germany)
- Do 335 [ 0 % ] (Germany)
- XP 55 [ 10 % ] (USA)
- Ho 229 [ 0 % ] (Germany)
- Fw 190 [ 75 % ] (Germany)
- G4M1 [ 0 % ] (Japan)