3,328 lizi13399a Comments

  • Active Shock Mod one month ago

    @MVC Of course you can add this part in your mod, the source code is already provided

  • Active Shock Mod one month ago

    @MVC None of them works. Maybe you can contact me on blibili if you can create an account on it

  • Active Shock Mod one month ago

    @Bricky Well, this is a classsic question. I was also expecting to make active suspension available on Android at the beginning of development , but finally I found out that Jundroo offically removed modding support of Android since version 1.9. Perhaps I can make this mod work on Simpleplane v1.8 Android without funkytree.

  • Active Shock Mod one month ago

    @MVC I would like to but discord is banned in my country...

  • XFA 33 ALECT Performce 7.5 years ago

    @Tessemi No,sorry about that. I only improve its maneuverability as well as stability

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 8.2 years ago

    I have also seen what @geekr described.Not long ago,someone came in with a BOOM 50, which was changed into a very large scale on purpose.When it explosived, the server was down.We can't stop this by just banning IP . So we hope you can add features to it . Simplely, just check a player if the number of parts and each of their scale reach the limit when he join the server.

  • F-35B(Rotating Rear Engine VTOL) 10.1 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus ,I thought it is hard to do that, but it is interesting to see how it takes off.

  • F-35B(Rotating Rear Engine VTOL) 10.1 years ago

    @WeeBabySeamus oh, sorry.I means it can't vertical take-off.

  • F-35B(Rotating Rear Engine VTOL) 10.1 years ago

    It looks great but vertical take-off

  • XFA-24A with launcher 10.1 years ago

    @CmdrAlex YES, this can help it speed up so fast that engines can't do that