709 m16a2wm203 Comments

  • F-16F Block 60 4.7 years ago

    Not bad, even though you set the ailerons right in the oposite direction just FYI. Also regarding controls, the angles you achieve with horizontal stabilizers, which also work as ailerons (again in the other way), is too high, since it looks like you do mod parts, it would be nice to mod the rotators to limit the angles for higher speeds.

  • A400X PLUS 4.8 years ago

    Looks nice, check out other people creations how to make flaps and you will be the master builder. Making it as elevators would only create a pitching moment depending on which elevators have larger individual pitching moment.

  • Cessna 172S Skyhawk 4.8 years ago

    pretty close to the real thing, trim could be slightly more effective and stall warning comes way too soon, overall its incredible

  • stratolaunch carrier 4.8 years ago

    @Developer9001 thank you!

  • Velocity Vector (Path Vector) 4.3 years ago

    General @moistcottonbud !

  • Air double decker 4.4 years ago

    @WiiMini satisfied?

  • Airbus 4.4 years ago

    @ChrisETH what an excellent idea, I might even try that.

  • Airbus 4.4 years ago

    @tsampoy Thank you! I used wings and stabilizers from one of my creations so I "only" had to do the bus part.

  • road train 4.4 years ago

    @tsampoy thank you!

  • triangle thing 4.4 years ago

    @AshTheWingDesignCo am I? I beg to differ. I looked nowhere to get my inspiration for this one. If it looks like some other creation what can I say, triangle was invented some thousands years ago.

  • Avro Vulcan 4.7 years ago

    @Tang0five Id say for any system its an excellent creation. For the mods I do not have any experience, I only use one which changes size of objects. I dont know why they haven't given us more options so the mods wouldn't be needed. Such as various inputs for rotators.

  • Avro Vulcan 4.7 years ago

    It looks great and flying isn't bad at all, it is a bit slower than I expected though. The take-off is quite obvious, check for center of mass position and where main gear is. Also regarding center of mass (CG), I do not know where real vulcan has the CG, but somehow I'd suspect it to be in front of center of lift.
    Great work!

  • if you download this i dare you to make it fly. 4.7 years ago

    @cruiseman101 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/xU76dO/stratolaunch-carrier-can-lift-it
    Somehow, I still struggle to tag correctly :(

  • road train 4.7 years ago

    Previous one is with just one trailer, no bull bar and aero roof. If you want to see a lot of parts, check my stratolaunch carrier, I put a 3M pounds payload there which means about 3000 parts just for the payload.

  • AT-AT Walker 4.7 years ago

    Impressive, most impressive

  • truck 4.7 years ago

    @Scott0069 thank you

  • if you download this i dare you to make it fly. 4.7 years ago

    will find how to tag you and add it with your creation being lifted

  • if you download this i dare you to make it fly. 4.7 years ago

    @cruiseman101 haven't found how to tag people yet ffs, would have uploaded it, check my creations, I have it there, it can fly with 3 000 000 pounds of payload

  • if you download this i dare you to make it fly. 4.7 years ago

    can lift it with my stratolaunch :D

  • Boeing 727-100 Lufthansa (1977 Livery) 4.8 years ago

    I was wondering whether the center of mass isn't a bit too forward. Also engines don't have enough air, is that on purpose?
    Its one of the best creations I have seen so far.

  • C-9979 Landing craft 4.8 years ago

    @Prowilliam476 Thank you!

  • nowthisispodracing 4.8 years ago

    @Prowilliam476 You can also check out the C-9979 trade federation landing craft, I'd say its slightly more authentic than this one. The VTOL is my weakness so its simple, but with proper handling take-off and landing is possible.

  • rocket AC 4.8 years ago

    @Sovietd0g excellent, I have made some rockets already, but usaly in the style to add power and travel to infinity and beyond

  • Warp pod racer (remastered) 4.8 years ago

    Not bad, the edit in the cockpit section is not what I had on mind as it should be "open cockpit like", but the adjustment to forward controls is very nice and it isn't bad in the air either, well done!

  • nowthisispodracing 4.8 years ago

    @Prowilliam476 I should say the last jedi just to start the longest comment section on simple planes ever :D , but probably its revenge of the sith as well

  • McDonald dc-10 4.8 years ago

    @IRONFOXCHEN How did you make the flaps make so much drag and yet no other effect of flaps whatsoever? The airplane looks very nice, Id say the engines could have more power, flying an approach on full throttle is insane, you would have to be able to climb with full flaps and 1 engine out. The rudder seems to be too large (yaw is very strong) and please its not a fighter, it does not roll using horizontal stabilazier which in fact is used for trim.

  • Future Vehicle Challenge 4.8 years ago

    The counter propellers are nice and you are right for cargo compartment circular shape is a pain. Still the flaps should be behind center of weight on a conventional airplane. This could result in a nasty stall.

  • Future Vehicle Challenge 4.8 years ago

    Future you say yet the fuselage seems to look quite similar to Short Skyvan (we are talking about 1963), such design would have enormous trouble when facing crosswind. I don't know what are your sources for A400M data, but I doubt those are correct. Your competitor would be C17 I guess.
    Also what do you mean by better center of weight? Center of weight(mass) on your airplane is way too aft for such type of airplane which results in the fact that flaps have exactly opposite effect than usual, that is when you extend flaps, your airplane pitches up, for which you have insufficient trim to compensate the pitching moment. You can have center of weight in such aft position, but that would be usualy behind the neutral point or in here center of lift resulting in unstable flight characteristics. Also pulling the center of weight up doesnt make much sense on a high wing aircraft. Overall it looks nice, but looks dont fly.

  • swept wing project final 4.8 years ago

    @Memri There is, I have had this game for a while, but just yesterday I have signed in here to share my creations. Some took several days to master, but still look like the basic planes here

  • swept wing project final 4.8 years ago

    hint for high speeds and full wing sweep setting, use trim for sharp turns, elevators wont do much

  • Columbiair XF-102 Javelin 4.8 years ago

    Very nice creations, I'd suggest focusing on center of mass position and elevators for the ones I have seen. Powerless landing was almost impossible.
    This particular plane is quite agile, despite the center of mass being too forward for a fighter. Also the floating elevators have rather high angle of deflection, it might be stalling on that and having the oposite effect.

  • fancy winged airliner military 4.8 years ago

    @HeavyC22 Thank you!
    It is also capable of flying with one engine out.