172 mitchbre Comments

  • EX-22 Super Dragon Fly vtol edition 9.4 years ago


  • AQ-1 Quadcopter (rotors only) 9.4 years ago

    Hope you like it!!

  • VT-35 S 9.4 years ago

    Hope you like it!!

  • Boss jet 9.4 years ago

    Could not do this please it really annoying because it says this jet is a successor to one of my jets.

  • SimplePlanes Logo 9.8 years ago

    Nice job man!

  • 1200mph interceptor 9.8 years ago

    Looks like a SR-71

  • VT-33 A 9.8 years ago


  • VT-33 A 9.8 years ago

    No I built this fromt the ground up.

  • VT-33 B 9.8 years ago

    Hope you guys like it. Hope this becomes popular.

  • First TRUE glider 9.8 years ago

    *cool and evan works to

  • First TRUE glider 9.8 years ago

    Wowa this really cool evan and i never thought about using the detachers as a tether. Nice job!

  • SU-47 over1200mph 9.8 years ago

    @JoshuaW Mine isn't as fast but is a little more maneuverable. If you want you can use it to make your Su-47 more stable. http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/tw19n1/Su-47

  • Su-47 9.8 years ago

    Weaponized version coming soon!!

  • Su-47 9.8 years ago

    Hope you like it!