@KLM_747 can you make an lower part version of this one that has less detailed cockpit or have no cockpit. because many of the player does not have powerful device thanks
jelly is the worst youtuber
in one of his video he play fsx and on the title he says scary flight simulator with the pictures of b737 800 having one engine failure but
you can put out fire in a plane right
if you wanna make this map not lagging so much try to remove some trees and remove all the grass and of course some small detail like those yak 40 and a320 on the airport
oh my i pull 50g in this airplanes
@KLM_747 why theres only one sucscessor in your delta 757 its because theres too many parts and many people device cant handle that lol
@KLM_747 can you make an lower part version of this one that has less detailed cockpit or have no cockpit. because many of the player does not have powerful device thanks
finally someone made lower part versions because i even cannot edit the plane because the real one has too many part its soo laggin
yang bikin pesawat in itu orang Indonesia juga!?
hey your good at plane too not just good at mod
+1whats your next build or mod @Kakhikotchauri1
cool house 9/10 build
+1is this an train because the tag is train lol
+1@HeckalXD no not the colours but the shape
hey at the real live photo i see virgin atlantic B787-8 can you build that please i like your build😊
maybe if you wanna more people download yor plane try not put too many part
as i remember there is an small airport in the middle of the island
(i know it when i was plqying xplane10 and i land on the ford island airport)
wow everyone making mig plane lol
+1ada cockpit nya nggak?
akhirnya nemu orang Indonesia di simpleplanes
can you make an updated version of this car with interior
i guess this can be use for making road
from wright town to wright airport
since the plane in the thumbnails was pilatus PC-6 i got an request
can you build an updqte of your old pilatus PC-6
this is mfs2020 but in sp
planes landing on terminal
everyone on terminal: am i a yoke to you
how to make forums?
im new to simpleplanes
how could you use android for this ultra detailed build
lol i can make the intire plane into su assembly
@PlanumConditorem uhh lets just end this really long talk
aerofly fs2 and fsx
@headphones nope probably 4 years old would just making a block on top of a block
+1the tail gear is bouncing like an kangaroo can you fix that sir
best ww1 or ww2 plane in this site btw 10/10 shape
jelly is the worst youtuber
in one of his video he play fsx and on the title he says scary flight simulator with the pictures of b737 800 having one engine failure but
you can put out fire in a plane right
@SavageMan sorey maybe you lost this one so i kinda take this and ok bye
try to use old mod tools to make thos map work on android
if you wanna make this map not lagging so much try to remove some trees and remove all the grass and of course some small detail like those yak 40 and a320 on the airport
@BoeingFan737 its longer than 500 so it must be the 400 because its longer kinda
hello @SavageMan you are working on a319 right soo what livery will you choose
@BoeingFan737 no 737-400
i mean cessna citation that
you working right now
wanna use this for your citation
its more look like the 737-400
hehe i remember one swiss001 video about the 737 min8
+1@headphones wait simpleplanes is rated for age more than three soo yeah
@headphones idk but im abit bored at other game soo i just play this
@lianken oh i mean boat
i appreciate all of your hard work you made all of mobile and pc player happy
+1@Superoof20 the British airways livery is the old one soo you know its different than the new one
@Superoof20 yes this is an British airways Concorde