5,577 oukenijiuba Comments

  • [WEBW] CF-18 5.4 years ago


  • [WEBW]Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 5.3 years ago

    不管是在贴图还是在机身外形上都堪称完美,但是这襟翼,这煤气灶,额... ...正在修复加拿大CF18菊花张不开的BUG,修完又要看看这架的菊花和襟翼怎么改了... ...

  • Train Challenge Results!! 5.4 years ago


  • 25T Quasi-High Speed passenger carriage 5.6 years ago

    @QingyuZhou 拆猪太水了,又造了一个(滑稽)

  • DF11G quasi-high speed passenger locomotive 5.6 years ago

    @SakuraSaku 反向再送您一句大佬大佬(。・ω・。)ノ♡

  • DF11G quasi-high speed passenger locomotive 5.6 years ago

    @RailfanEthan May I say that his unofficial nickname is ''piggy''. ( ̄▽ ̄)

  • CH-47 Chinook fictional 5.8 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Well, I took ACH-47 as a reference at first, but its firepower was too low for the"simple world", so finally I decided to use a well-known name. ( ̄▽ ̄)

  • lockheed martin F-35B 5.4 years ago

    I had never seen a work mastering so many modules into such a complex surface, including so many sawtooth and complex movable components. My little brain would bust if I even tried to think about them!

  • Messerschmitt BF-110 C-1 Nachtjäger 5.4 years ago

    I can duplicate it, if I could use another 1000 parts. How could you save your parts?

  • A-5 Vigilante tigermeet 5.4 years ago

    @shipster How could I prove myself two years ago? Forget the number of parts and forget what the real one looked like,
    I made colorful paintings everywhere,regardless of using 100+parts each, carried 3 types of my latest missiles, 4 for each type. That's how I used so many parts 2 years ago.( ゚∀ ゚)

  • Tomahawk cruise missile FOR SUBMARINE 5.5 years ago

    @RYAviation The submarine is being rebuilt and will not use this missile. Instead it will use a 3. 5-inch-rocket powered missile to make the underwater launch smoother.

  • SL1-31 Barquentine 5.5 years ago

    Last time I had such a beautiful plane with an unbelievable landing experience was a fully loaded XB-70 on Xplane 9.(^_^) They both have no desire to stop.

  • Train Challenge! 5.6 years ago


  • Train Challenge! 5.6 years ago

    回家了能用简飞就拆半头猪给你(手动滑稽) @QingyuZhou

  • DF11G quasi-high speed passenger locomotive 5.6 years ago

    @QingyuZhou 发出对超级巨佬的赞叹julao!!!(/∇\

  • CH-47 Chinook fictional 5.6 years ago

    @TheRealSlimShady I am afraid not. Thanks to the xml, this one is even easier to control than some planes who use the new parts.

  • Yj 83 [Auto unfold wings,Auto booster and so on...] 6.1 years ago

    @NFIGMT 我还想刷字的,后来零件太多就没刷(ಥ_ಥ)

  • C-2 Greyhound the farewell work 7.3 years ago

    @Kentheman Thanks.

  • C-2 Greyhound the farewell work 7.3 years ago

    @General360 For high school T-T

  • HA ppy birthday! 7.4 years ago


  • Grumman C-2A Greyhound 7.4 years ago

    Great work! I am also going to bulid a C2 greyhond( but it is almost impossible to finish before the start of the term(TT) I have already built only the hollow fuselage and the hollow wheel wells ^^

  • Lion 7.4 years ago


  • Boeing737-800WL 7.4 years ago

    @REW 厚颜无耻求个百度网盘XML文件(๑°3°๑)

  • A-5 Vigilante tigermeet 7.4 years ago

    @Tang0five Thanks!

  • A-5 Vigilante tigermeet 7.4 years ago

    My English is not good, using translation software.
    It is really hard to meet a bosom friend.(ಥ_ಥ)At last an attentive person found out this Ingenious design.I thought it would never be found! It looks just like an ordinary missile.I use some designs of @JoshuaW 's and strengthen it by modifing connection points. It can launch 5 missiles each time ,faster and more agile than regular missiles.Few planes can escape from the attack.

  • A-5 Vigilante tigermeet 7.4 years ago

    @Tang0five For high school.I am going to leave in SeptemberT_T.

  • NASA Lockheed ER-2 7.4 years ago

    Nice work!Check out mine.

  • VT-37B Hercules 7.4 years ago


  • A-5 Vigilante tigermeet 7.4 years ago

    @ilmilc 那架U2还挺好的,其他要么是水帖要么是萌新阶段探索

  • A-5 Vigilante tigermeet 7.4 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Not only looks good, but also plays well(^ω^)

  • What is "NEXT"? 7.4 years ago

    Oh,This work is inspired by a Digital display.

  • Just For Fun! 7.5 years ago

    fire guns:fireworks

  • NF - 56 Hyper Flanker 7.6 years ago


  • .U-2 the GHOST Air Strike Platform 7.9 years ago

    @BogdanX First thank you for giving me advice . I know you love things base on real planes but this is NOT a real U2. I prefer things that with simple planes' characteristics. Other flight simulation game can also provide real U2 , but only simple planes can give me a chance to creative things that will never appear in our world. If you just hate it's weapons please remove them and enjoy the exquisite cockpit. Through it isn't 100% made by myself, it fits my plane beautifully.

  • .U-2 the GHOST Air Strike Platform 7.9 years ago

    @SAD2 已回

  • .U-2 the GHOST Air Strike Platform 7.9 years ago

    @AudioDud3 indeed,but in simple planes' world,it can also Attack enemy.=^_^=

  • .U-2 the GHOST Air Strike Platform 7.9 years ago

    1抛辅助轮 2逼格灯 3&vtor下拉襟翼 4&roll&pitch机炮方向控制,攻击多角度目标 5&vtor下拉弹仓 6抛武器仓 7降落伞 8关控制面(除yaw和trim)

  • .U-2 the GHOST Air Strike Platform 7.9 years ago

    @Luuk2909 thanks,but actually the most fantastic thing is the air-to-ground missile made by myself.

  • .U-2 the GHOST Air Strike Platform 7.9 years ago

    @rubbishcraft 已up

  • Transport Plane "the Giant" 7.9 years ago

    @rubbishcraft 已up

  • Aircraft fighter test 8.0 years ago

    @Supercraft888 I am so sorry that it is the test model. Please choose what you like and mirror it.