292 pilotElijah Comments

  • Kenair 735 “Frog” 7.1 years ago

    Awesome, awesome plane!! I would suggest however a fix for the nose gear not protruding through the cockpit windows. Overall a plane I wish would be made real!

  • C-5 Galaxy 6.6 years ago

    @Dylan3654 2 years late but go for it! I hope you made a successful edit by this time. Thanks!

  • Tilt Rotor 1 7.0 years ago

    Nice VTOL! May I suggest adding a gyroscope, it will be more stable taking off vertically.

  • ALY-V023-Vitreous 7.1 years ago

    A piece of metal falls off the left engine during takeoff and something creates a rattling sound during flight. It would be awesome if fixed. Overall a really, really cool aircraft!

  • F-22 Raptor v2 7.2 years ago

    @bruh2003 thanks for the tips, will be working on it

  • Basic chopper 7.6 years ago

    Thanks @Aquaexploder! I'm starting to get results!

  • SAH-1A Ofliant / AHK-100A Jangjibaem 7.7 years ago

    Awesome build! How did you max out the prop size like this? Thanks!

  • Plane has been removed 9.0 years ago

    Thank you @RocketLL. The concern has been addressed through your mention.

  • Plane has been removed 9.0 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Oh. Thank you for the information. It was something that I didn't see coming but thank you for acknowledging my concern. I was in shock myself, @Flightsonic. Their new jet design really is revolutionizing and that's what inspired me to create one. But we do have to respect Mr. Fujino, the designer and their brand.

  • Biz Jet 9.0 years ago

    I'm sure you can make one better than this. Thanks @Liquidfox

  • Plane has been removed 9.0 years ago

    It's my original creation. It just had a "Removed" sticker beside the title. I had to delete it and upload in another title. @Flightsonic

  • C-5 Galaxy with weapons 9.1 years ago

    Awesome work! I really appreciate that you used my model as your base for this gunship. Thank you. I had an awesome time flying and flying and the weapons look sick!! Great work sir!

  • Ark Bird 9.2 years ago

    Beautiful and majestic bird! Flies graciously despite the size!

  • Boeing 787 - Boeing's colors 9.2 years ago

    beautiful bird! love the wingflex and the flaps! just don't forget the ailerons. :)

  • C-130 9.2 years ago

    Hi @RBEEDUDE1! Where do you think I should make the adjustments to balance off CG? When I was designing it, I focused too much aesthetically using stock photos not realizing what could go wrong. It does felt like it was diving forward. :-/

  • C-17 Globemaster 9.2 years ago

    Thanks @RBEEDUDE1! I really haven't looked on that area yet. Since I'm new here, I've pretty much used all the basics, but its really fun designing. I'll be using your works as inspiration! Thank you sir!

  • _The valkyrie 9.2 years ago

    This is majestic! It takes a while to learn how to fly but your creation is amazing! Thanks!

  • Alba Delta 9.2 years ago

    Thanks @NewAir! :)

  • C-17 Globemaster 9.2 years ago

    Thanks @NewAir! Glad to be here. This App is amazing/addicting! Cheers!