120 planeguy2022

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joined 2.3 years ago

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Hello! I usually make and post planes here, but I am on mobile so my planes won’t be insanely detailed but many times I try to put small details on the planes to make them more like the real plane. But they will fly.

Favourite Jets
F35B Lighting ll
F22 Raptor
F14 Tomcat (favourite I think)
A10 Warthog
CF105 Arrow
AV8 Harrier
F15 Eagle

Favourite bombers:
B52 Stratofortress
B1 Lancer (Favourite)
B21 Raider
B29 Superfortress
XB70 Valkyrie (Also Favourite)

Boeing 2707
An225 Mriya (RIP)
C17 Globemaster
AC130 Ghostrider / Angel of death