@BaconAircraft If it's fine with you may I ask for ideas for my color scheme I've always liked my red, orange and black but I feel like Their needs a little something else. maybe I need I to look at a diffrent color scheme then the casual PHOENIX that I use.
I might as well just take this down because it think it's a hardware issue and that I should prabably get a proper internet card instead of usb Internet @HellFireKoder
I switched it to the global ip it's but it still doesn't seem to be working I'm looking at the server EXE to see if theirs a issue and from what it looks like the UPnP gateway wasn't found @HellFireKoder
@HellFireKoder my mistake (again) I looked up the global and it didn't work! as well as earlier it gave me a IPv6 instead of a IPv4 my apologys for all the issues
@Seraphinium until my laptop updates I can't test it on another computor so for now I'm kind of stuck until I can figure out why my global IP is acting up
@Seraphinium @HellFireKoder
I fixed it the global ip I searched was wrong so I had to go back and look at the server to see what ip it was useing and it was a diffrent ip thain what the search told me and now I got it tested and working
Yup @KingDeadshot I just keep my ideas on paper so if I need to I can come back to a design if I need to. btw I actually didn't get the time to build today because I was busy puting a new seat on my chair
btw is their a page on the progress of the multiplayer mod I would like to keep myself updated on it. also I love this mod and I'm very happy that people like you make this plausible. @UnstableOrbit
Because sometimes people don'read instructions (yes I had to go back a second time to re read the commands ) and it just makes it easier to access having basics right with the servers so if someone overlooks them or completely forgets them it makes them faster to find @UnstableOrbit
@Racrandall my pilot is alten drachen (fire breather)he is 5.7 ft and is averagely slim he has a dark brown hair. he is a balance between introvert and extrovert also he is highly intelligent! knowing both his plane and his enemy's capabilitys. most pilots and anyone he is around enjoy his presents.he has scored 15 kills and has been known as a expert pilot. He flys a one of a kind aircraft a DB-603 (Aircraft link)https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/81L551/Daimler-Benz-Jager-DB-603
The plane is almost redy it's a Daimler Benz jäger @Racrandall it's not posted yet but here's a link to it on the luft46 sight http://www.luft46.com/db/dbjager.html
Thanks @4404
@BaconAircraft If it's fine with you may I ask for ideas for my color scheme I've always liked my red, orange and black but I feel like Their needs a little something else. maybe I need I to look at a diffrent color scheme then the casual PHOENIX that I use.
Yeah I could @MechWARRIOR57
I have theirs only two left @MechWARRIOR57
A huge amount of servers have been disappearing from the forums @MechWARRIOR57
I might as well just take this down because it think it's a hardware issue and that I should prabably get a proper internet card instead of usb Internet @HellFireKoder
Testing it but it still won't open the ports right I think it might be my internet adapter and that its usb is my guess @HellFireKoder
Ok it ran it through hamachi and it seems to be working but just to makes sure I'll test it on my vista laptop @HellFireKoder
I switched it to the global ip it's but it still doesn't seem to be working I'm looking at the server EXE to see if theirs a issue and from what it looks like the UPnP gateway wasn't found @HellFireKoder
@HellFireKoder my mistake (again) I looked up the global and it didn't work! as well as earlier it gave me a IPv6 instead of a IPv4 my apologys for all the issues
@Seraphinium until my laptop updates I can't test it on another computor so for now I'm kind of stuck until I can figure out why my global IP is acting up
Ugh trying to figure out what's wrong with it in computorasurus REX @poenix
I'm going to pull out my lap top and check it out @Seraphinium
I could have sworn it was working @Seraphinium
And that was very mutch a pain to get to work
@Seraphinium @HellFireKoder
I fixed it the global ip I searched was wrong so I had to go back and look at the server to see what ip it was useing and it was a diffrent ip thain what the search told me and now I got it tested and working
So I looked up the global ip and I put it in but it's still not working @HellFireKoder
@Seraphinium this is strange it's the global ip but it's not working
@Seraphinium I think I need to look back at it because I searched it but testing it it doesn't work
@Seraphinium fixed
@HellFireKoder fixed it I looked it up wrong
It just gave me a very long ip that doesn't look like the ones that we use @HellFireKoder
Thx @HellFireKoder
I might need to go back and look at the mod page again on how to set it up@Gestour
Sure! @Gestour
@Tully2001 so if they not 24 hour they get removed?
Where did all the other servers go?
Did the mod just update ?
Alot of servers just disappeared from the forums @UnstableOrbit
Yup @KingDeadshot I just keep my ideas on paper so if I need to I can come back to a design if I need to. btw I actually didn't get the time to build today because I was busy puting a new seat on my chair
btw is their a page on the progress of the multiplayer mod I would like to keep myself updated on it. also I love this mod and I'm very happy that people like you make this plausible. @UnstableOrbit
Good point my mistake Btw @UnstableOrbit
If you have a problem with this I can just take it down@UnstableOrbit
Because sometimes people don'read instructions (yes I had to go back a second time to re read the commands ) and it just makes it easier to access having basics right with the servers so if someone overlooks them or completely forgets them it makes them faster to find @UnstableOrbit
I accidentally mentioned myself
My brain = error@poenix
Lol wut@Racrandall
Thx @CRJ900Pilot
Awesome! @Racrandall
@Racrandall I'm redy if you are
@Racrandall my pilot is alten drachen (fire breather)he is 5.7 ft and is averagely slim he has a dark brown hair. he is a balance between introvert and extrovert also he is highly intelligent! knowing both his plane and his enemy's capabilitys. most pilots and anyone he is around enjoy his presents.he has scored 15 kills and has been known as a expert pilot. He flys a one of a kind aircraft a DB-603 (Aircraft link)https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/81L551/Daimler-Benz-Jager-DB-603
Thanks @Mumpsy
@Racrandall dem Germans
The plane is almost redy it's a Daimler Benz jäger @Racrandall it's not posted yet but here's a link to it on the luft46 sight http://www.luft46.com/db/dbjager.html
Lol @ForeverPie
WAZZUP @ForeverPie
@gazagold13 if you have take off problems wait longer it gets off at about 2 to 300 mph
Yup @Racrandall