@OkaNieba Oh, my apologies. I usually borrowed some part that idk where it came from ( I forgot💀)
@OkaNieba I use the R-22 bcs it has simpler control
@RYAviation sure
@Stinky sure go ahead
@ZaharDdD Thanks!
fixed version
@Mobius121 mm ok I'll try
@GermanReichUser USA and Russia
@Taintickler420 maybe it finished tomorrow
@GermanReichUser ok I'll try to modify your cargo plane
@GermanReichUser ok what build do you want me to modify?
@GermanReichUser ok I'll try
@GermanReichUser I search them online
@GermanReichUser maybe you can try modifying other build.
@GermanReichUser I'm sorry dude I can't. I'm still new too.
@OkaNieba Oh, my apologies. I usually borrowed some part that idk where it came from ( I forgot💀)
+1@OkaNieba I use the R-22 bcs it has simpler control
+1@RYAviation sure
@Stinky sure go ahead
@ZaharDdD Thanks!
fixed version
@Mobius121 mm ok I'll try
@GermanReichUser USA and Russia
@Taintickler420 maybe it finished tomorrow
@GermanReichUser ok I'll try to modify your cargo plane
@GermanReichUser ok what build do you want me to modify?
@GermanReichUser ok I'll try
@GermanReichUser I search them online
@GermanReichUser maybe you can try modifying other build.
@GermanReichUser I'm sorry dude I can't. I'm still new too.