@CobraHueyIndustries @ArcturusAerospace @Jerba @QwertyuiopQwertyuiopThe88
@rexzion @WarHawk95 @KnightOfRen @defquq11
these are all the guys that offered to help me or wanted to be tagged, go like some of their builds
@TriStar can you help me with one more thing? im making custom landing gear for a plane and every time i try to land the front wheel blows up any ideas on how to fix that?
@TriStar yeah but im building a turret and i want the turret to stay in that position when i deactivate the imput, for example: i stop pressing A for roll left and the turret does not move back to zero.
i put zeroOnDeactivate = false and my XML doesnt like it
thank you all for this it will be out soon, but sadly will not have a interior because my laptop has the processing power of a potato, so im limited to 400 parts max
@SnoWFLakE0s this is off topic but i have a plane that uses both props and jets and i want to press ag1 to turn off the props and on the jets. what imput should i use?
@SnoWFLakE0s i kind of get this but i want to know how to deactivate things, for example, like i have a plane that uses both props and jets and i want to press ag1 to turn off the props and on the jets. what imput should i use?
im just going to remove this post and repost tomorrow all corrected
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook yeah sorry about that hahah i was hurrying to get a decent picture
@rexzion its supposed to be a 102
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook the F-102
Edit: the 106 has the inlets a little farther back
@CobraHueyIndustries @ArcturusAerospace @Jerba @QwertyuiopQwertyuiopThe88
@rexzion @WarHawk95 @KnightOfRen @defquq11
these are all the guys that offered to help me or wanted to be tagged, go like some of their builds
@DwiAngkasaAeronautics thank you
@DwiAngkasaAeronautics how do you upload with custom thumbnails, i just got this pc and i do not know how hahah
@TriStar ok i will try that
@TriStar can you help me with one more thing? im making custom landing gear for a plane and every time i try to land the front wheel blows up any ideas on how to fix that?
@TriStar where do i put that on the imputcontroller? just imput?
@TriStar thank you, usually before i could just put zeroOnDeactivate = false and it would work, i guess it might be a funky tress update thing.
@TriStar yeah but im building a turret and i want the turret to stay in that position when i deactivate the imput, for example: i stop pressing A for roll left and the turret does not move back to zero.
i put zeroOnDeactivate = false and my XML doesnt like it
@KnightOfRen yeah I know and I was so close to getting it done, BTW I'm gonna tag ya
@KnightOfRen my old computer just shut down and I will have to build a new one, but I screenshotted blueprints so I should get it done soon
@tsampoy ok
@tsampoy Sorry about that, i didn't get the update yet :(
@KnightOfRen @SouthEngine @CobraHueyIndustries
@SouthEngine oh lmao
@KnightOfRen i got you
not sure what that means haha
@SouthEngine ight
@rexzion ok i will remember to ask you too
@WarHawk95 ok I have the plane looks down. Just gotta make my plane fly good and I'm done
@WarHawk95 yes
@WarHawk95 are you done your missile?
@Cobrahuey your tagged as well
@Jerba @ArcturusAerospace y'all will be tagged
@Cobrahuey yeah sure
@WarHawk95 yeah just send me the links when your done and it will be added to the armament, i will give you props when i post the plane
@Epickitty that is a possibility
@Mobius1Cyka oh its my first time tagging people lmao
well heres the tags:@Cobrahuey@Uberdashie@Mobius1Cyka
@Memri you deserve 69420 points
@asteroidbook345 @UnlistedPlanes i will try both of those
Edit: or maybe a early fighter jet
@ACEPILOT109 i think i ment a plane lmao
edit: preferably cold war era because i want to build a cold war plane
@BuiltBionixInd10 thank you
@CookieCrumz haha lmao
@4rsh1 @Ploooperman yes it is the pinnacle of my account lmao
thank you all for this it will be out soon, but sadly will not have a interior because my laptop has the processing power of a potato, so im limited to 400 parts max
@raceplaneVIBEZ a very weak gyroscope that is active all the time
edit: nothing to strong or it will start to wobble like crazy
@F104Deathtrap thank you
@SpacePanda3851 ok oh
wow... for your first plane ever this is a great design that is mobile friendly. good job
@Brendorkus haha maybe if i have better building skills
@Vtp28 i know lmao im probably ruin it by the finished version; trying to make it a drag or baja vertion idk yet
i know i said i would release my ford truck today but my computer does not want to cooperate.
@jamesPLANESii ok will do
@SnoWFLakE0s ok thank you
@SnoWFLakE0s this is off topic but i have a plane that uses both props and jets and i want to press ag1 to turn off the props and on the jets. what imput should i use?
@SnoWFLakE0s i kind of get this but i want to know how to deactivate things, for example, like i have a plane that uses both props and jets and i want to press ag1 to turn off the props and on the jets. what imput should i use?
@Hellosss38 ok