Hey, would I be able to use this design as a base for my own F-35 modification? I’ll give you full credit for the base build in the post, and I can send it to you prior so that you can see it.
@Majakalona already done that, and disabled the mass. If you want to, my B-63-B post is a good example of the issue.
@LunarEclipseSP ????
@Christiant2 Thanks!
@LunarEclipseSP Yes, it is inspired in shape. Probably because it looks sick.
@ShinyGemsBro maybe, I’ll try that
@PrussianAirlines VARK VARK VARK
@SPairforce originally downloaded yours and then went through like 5 different designs
@RYAviation not really sure why that happens, but if you reconnect them to their detachers it seems to fix the problem
Also, check out this plane’s Juno counterpart, the XVH-2C: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/16j9PK/XVH-2C-Nightfalcon-II
Hey, would I be able to use this design as a base for my own F-35 modification? I’ll give you full credit for the base build in the post, and I can send it to you prior so that you can see it.
+5@Majakalona already done that, and disabled the mass. If you want to, my B-63-B post is a good example of the issue.
+1@LunarEclipseSP ????
+1@Christiant2 Thanks!
+1@LunarEclipseSP Yes, it is inspired in shape. Probably because it looks sick.
+1@ShinyGemsBro maybe, I’ll try that
@PrussianAirlines VARK VARK VARK
@SPairforce originally downloaded yours and then went through like 5 different designs
@RYAviation not really sure why that happens, but if you reconnect them to their detachers it seems to fix the problem
Also, check out this plane’s Juno counterpart, the XVH-2C: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/16j9PK/XVH-2C-Nightfalcon-II