Ok so the Bofors cannon aims too low when shooting at aircraft, and when shooting at ground targets it shoots slightly high which is a problem if the target sits low in the water. A stabilization system, whether it uses a gyro or not, could also be added as when the ship makes an evasive maneuver at speed, the ship lists to the side somewhere around 45 degrees or more. The camera control AA guns are a nice touch and are easy to operate with a decent range of about 2 miles. The ship looks absolutely beautiful, and she is very fast. Anyway that was my critique on it and I am very much looking forward to posts in the future, keep up the good work👍.
@sakkijarven I recall there being a no mod version of this tank, and I still have it. But I’ve been running into a problem with the missiles, when fired the tank sinks into the ground and can’t move. I looked internally to see if I could remove or change something that would make it do such a thing to no avail. Any advice on what to do?
i LOVE being able to interact with cockpits so thank you good sir🙏🙏
this thing is peak
do NOT let me use this🙏
this shi magnificent🥲
+1finally a good F-117
+1bro missed the opportunity to put mobile friendly as a tag
+1we need to start a petition to change the name to femboy
@Majakalona damn right we will
+1Post the truck big boy
Hamas Air Force:
+1This thing is easy to control yet extremely maneuverable. This is the most capable CAS platform I’ve ever seen
+1When I first shot it I thought the missile broke, then the engine fired and the noise was beautiful😭
Yo the song is actually from Bf4, Growling Sidewinder does use it in his vids
Ok so the Bofors cannon aims too low when shooting at aircraft, and when shooting at ground targets it shoots slightly high which is a problem if the target sits low in the water. A stabilization system, whether it uses a gyro or not, could also be added as when the ship makes an evasive maneuver at speed, the ship lists to the side somewhere around 45 degrees or more. The camera control AA guns are a nice touch and are easy to operate with a decent range of about 2 miles. The ship looks absolutely beautiful, and she is very fast. Anyway that was my critique on it and I am very much looking forward to posts in the future, keep up the good work👍.
+2The tutorial plane approves of this aircraft, he flew perfect formation instead of ramming me
@Zaineman no problem lil bro
@Zaineman the meta is super easy to get and it’s two tap, SVD is op
Bro took me locking him on accident VERY personally
+3@Drekitty 🤫🤫
Butter 🧈
I would like to remove this general direction
Hey do you think you could make a following AI version of the Wasp?
+1“We have a Reaper at home”
The reaper at home:
Why won’t the gun shoot
Could you please make this but a guy and with a more realistic kit, maybe with a Mk-18
+3In a plane game is crazy
@sakkijarven By how much?
@sakkijarven I recall there being a no mod version of this tank, and I still have it. But I’ve been running into a problem with the missiles, when fired the tank sinks into the ground and can’t move. I looked internally to see if I could remove or change something that would make it do such a thing to no avail. Any advice on what to do?
+1The most aesthetically pleasing aircraft I’ve seen so far
+1@Graingy Amen
+1I will sadly admit that I am NOT Stroke 3, and I cannot notch these mfs without cm
+1@AshdenpawTG22 unspeakable things
Sky King reference?
I remember getting bent over and railed by two Bf 109s in this plane after dodging their gunfire for 5 minutes in wt
@SiBangsatYa I have the typhoon documents
+1I am NOT readin ALLAT
Flys like a brick but the engine effect is nice
This cockpit animation makes me wanna bust
+3Stick drift must’ve been crazy
@engineergamingplays it’s plane slander