120 saifdaking Comments

  • Awesome dutch jet 2.0 { dutch power! } 8.8 years ago

    what a design imma modify it and send u a link maybe u'll like

  • help me whit Youtuber plane!!! NEEDS IMPROVEMENT! 8.8 years ago

    lol that plane was literally the craziest plane ive ever made first tho u should check out my others the A series and the B mega series they are quite fast and agile u might like them

  • You Cant Make This Fly 8.8 years ago

    yes ik still a really nice creation tho nice work

  • You Cant Make This Fly 8.8 years ago

    i had that too with it wasn't really hard to fix I just did sum reduction and removed the bombs from the front@SUPERSAMROCK

  • You Cant Make This Fly 8.8 years ago

    i did i just added vertical stabelizers at the back and added some of my moddded parts and it flew quite well too much weight to the front u gatta fix that@SUPERSAMROCK

  • You Cant Make This Fly 8.8 years ago

    very easy and simple to make it fly job done

  • help me whit Youtuber plane!!! NEEDS IMPROVEMENT! 8.8 years ago

    bub check out my planes imma help ya a bit

  • B 203-1 MEGA by SAIFDAKING 8.8 years ago

    will do my friend thank you very much for the upvote

  • Modded stuff 8.8 years ago

    hey can u mod wings and make them um stronger I'm just asking?

  • J-66 Shooting Star 8.8 years ago

    ok that is freiking cool@Typhlosion130

  • J-66 Shooting Star 8.8 years ago

    modded engines?

  • J-66 Shooting Star 8.8 years ago

    I wanna create a fast plane man but these propulsions most reach a mere 3000 mph I want like 4000+ and ive downloaded planes that reach like 6000+ mhp any suggestions? @Typhlosion130

  • J-66 Shooting Star 8.8 years ago

    lol yur crazy no hard feeling man but I like ur plane its fast faster than mines @Typhlosion130

  • J-66 Shooting Star 8.8 years ago

    hey no need for anger man I just said it looks similar dude @Typhlosion130

  • J-66 Shooting Star 8.8 years ago

    it looks like my creation I named new green I'm not saying it is just modded it just looks like it @Typhlosion130

  • J-66 Shooting Star 8.8 years ago

    this looks a lot like my creation @Typhlosion130

  • green lil plane 8.8 years ago

    lol thanks for the lil help wasn't sure but thanks helps a lot explains a lot better than the other guy

  • green lil plane 8.8 years ago

    oh well that explains a lot so I cant put the name of the aircraft as the utuber but u can tag it right?? is that right or wrong?

  • it has been done 8.8 years ago

    I don't really know how the rotators work man I'm sorry if it dosent work properly :-(
    and I have tried to use it without the rotator while just fails time and time again plz help

  • it has been done 8.8 years ago

    I would love to get feed back on how to perfect these planes
    I have more which are more stable

  • it has been done 8.8 years ago

    sorry my friend its my first ever plane just gently use the rotator arm for take off
    @salvador3031 @salvador3031