Introduction about Heading controller and elevation controller:
ONLY BASED one heading rotator to control this battle tank turret's rotate, auto-aim(adjust any terrain with Liner Algebra's transform), and horizontal stablizer. As same as vertical control.
And most importantly, all of those functions have no any conflict with others, so I sincerely request a precious feature about this NO-MOD tank (also this tank's brake system was still based Liner Algebra's transform), in order to let this technology about "REAL BATTLE TANK's FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM" become knowned by much more players with love tanks and vehicles in simpleplanes !
@Bogey you can refer @JoshuaW 's work click here. And then if you change SP axis into 3D axis, you can write down the f(x) about approach target trible dimension.
@Bogey first, that's needs you should use liner algebra to transform the "targetheading, targetdistance, targetelevation" into "enemyaltitude,enemylongitude,enemylatitude". Same as to follow the main cockpit. In total you should transform axis into 3D axis
@TheTomatoLover @StavinairCaeruleum
+1So you even don't know how to read instructions ?
Kinda large ?
+1@BaconAircraft alright , still thank you so much !
Introduction about Heading controller and elevation controller:
ONLY BASED one heading rotator to control this battle tank turret's rotate, auto-aim(adjust any terrain with Liner Algebra's transform), and horizontal stablizer. As same as vertical control.
+1And most importantly, all of those functions have no any conflict with others, so I sincerely request a precious feature about this NO-MOD tank (also this tank's brake system was still based Liner Algebra's transform), in order to let this technology about "REAL BATTLE TANK's FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM" become knowned by much more players with love tanks and vehicles in simpleplanes !
@FrostAceSagitta no thanks, bro~
Challenge the best performance of tanks in SimplePlanes.
@IDNSatyaUpdootGrinder sure, it's open source
+1@tarikGR attention trible bases of Antenna, they are the keys of fire control system.
@Bogey you can refer @JoshuaW 's work click here. And then if you change SP axis into 3D axis, you can write down the f(x) about approach target trible dimension.
@Bogey first, that's needs you should use liner algebra to transform the "targetheading, targetdistance, targetelevation" into "enemyaltitude,enemylongitude,enemylatitude". Same as to follow the main cockpit. In total you should transform axis into 3D axis
+1@qq2424242424 我就是国人 :P
@Militarylover I have changed a version without tracks 2 mod :D
+1@oppoa11 改好了已经
@oppoa11 在改了在改了😨
+1@Militarylover omg I feel so sorry……
+1I will try to republish an edition without tracks mod sooner or later
@SP737 按下控制组1
+2Just update xml file and u don't need to upload a new work
@Super737 一个智障,不用管它
@MarxismLeninismMaoism 爱下载不下载搁这逼逼尼玛呢
+2@MarxismLeninismMaoism 脑瘫吧你
+2@SP737 啊?这年头谁不玩原神啊~
@UralTankFactory 这只是个预告啦
Click here to download MBT Revolution
@Arion2256 no thanks, bro
@ChinesestudentYZY 你把网页的汉译英插件关了。。。
@ChinesestudentYZY 我寻思我也没说英文啊。。。
+1@ChinesestudentYZY 履带颤抖的话建议手动把抓地力的选项调小,我为了让它能高效刹车而不至于在倾斜面上下滑调大了履带的brake force
@ChinesestudentYZY 建议每次开火之前都先刹一下车,毕竟全速在崎岖地形上前进还能开火命中1公里外目标在现实里也几乎办不到。。。
@ChinesestudentYZY 转轴的精度没有陀螺仪那么高,所以不是那么的丝滑。再一个可能是配置问题。。。
+1Click here to see the video about this tank
@UmbrellaCorporation sorry I can't……
+1@PriyanshuGM yes