еклм, победа...
update Simpleplanes guys, it's boring lol
How do you define the boundaries of missile guidance?
holy sh...
о ты жив
I so dreamed of ATGM missiles, and here they are. But I don't understand how they work. Can you help me please? I would like to ask you to write in detail how missiles and their guidance are arranged. Pls
@LoneSpaceGaming anyway, this isn't my gun. I just used gun of @lancelot1230
@LoneSpaceGaming use '''fireGuns''' in rotators input.
No, its bad anyway.
@Jibril да, вот только у меня экзамены, так что закончу далеко не скоро.
You must to delete this soonly, don't touch my models next time idiot.
Кста, дядь, дай идею для самолёта. А то я вообще их строить не умею, но хочу попробовать.
@Captainjeffthepilot00 a cat is jast my mother.
@Tsuchiisan Uber super rare kinda
@MrAdhmGamer check it.
@Airlancaster me too
@ReinMcDeer no, brrrrt.
@Almost allright
We posted different cats in one time.
Nice idea!
Cool for noob.
@ShocK69 bro, check my tanks, and you will know, what the normal tanks.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE Ginger
My trash😍 Thank you for enjoying this
@TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig thanks :)
how did you make the image by text?
@Amogusisded no, anyway i will eat a dog.
@Airbusfan12345 yes.
@PyrrhaNikos its me.
@FRIGGLES thanks bro
@PapaKernels @CRATE52PART2 thank your guys!
Is this Messerschmitt bf La-5?
Delete this please. This shiit
@kyomunosekai я покакал
@ShiroNeko thanks
@Thorne maybe later, because i build heavy tnaks not so cool like light tanks.
@Thorne thanks
@STLTitans 🥸
@TheUnsinkableSam This is tank from Inicial-D
I did it ugly
Ура победа
@LieutenantSOT this is was build with fuselage slicing.
@jeba да нет, Витëк наверное опять по гуслям орëт.
@Sadboye12 yeeep
@AtlasMilitaryIndustries @MtecCommand @FabioGalvao5679 thanks!
@BlackThuNDR Probably I'll try it next week, thanks for the idea.
еклм, победа...
+1update Simpleplanes guys, it's boring lol
+1How do you define the boundaries of missile guidance?
+1holy sh...
+1о ты жив
+1I so dreamed of ATGM missiles, and here they are. But I don't understand how they work. Can you help me please? I would like to ask you to write in detail how missiles and their guidance are arranged. Pls
+1@LoneSpaceGaming anyway, this isn't my gun. I just used gun of @lancelot1230
+1@LoneSpaceGaming use '''fireGuns''' in rotators input.
+1No, its bad anyway.
+1@Jibril да, вот только у меня экзамены, так что закончу далеко не скоро.
+1You must to delete this soonly, don't touch my models next time idiot.
+1Кста, дядь, дай идею для самолёта. А то я вообще их строить не умею, но хочу попробовать.
+1@Captainjeffthepilot00 a cat is jast my mother.
+1@Tsuchiisan Uber super rare kinda
+1@MrAdhmGamer check it.
+1@Airlancaster me too
+1@ReinMcDeer no, brrrrt.
+1@Almost allright
+1We posted different cats in one time.
+1Nice idea!
+1Cool for noob.
+1@ShocK69 bro, check my tanks, and you will know, what the normal tanks.
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE Ginger
+1My trash😍
+1Thank you for enjoying this
@TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig thanks :)
+1how did you make the image by text?
+1@Amogusisded no, anyway i will eat a dog.
+1@Airbusfan12345 yes.
+1@PyrrhaNikos its me.
+1@FRIGGLES thanks bro
+1@PapaKernels @CRATE52PART2 thank your guys!
+1Is this Messerschmitt bf La-5?
+1Delete this please. This shiit
+1@kyomunosekai я покакал
+1@ShiroNeko thanks
+1@Thorne maybe later, because i build heavy tnaks not so cool like light tanks.
+1@Thorne thanks
+1@STLTitans 🥸
+1@TheUnsinkableSam This is tank from Inicial-D
+1I did it ugly
+1Ура победа
+1@LieutenantSOT this is was build with fuselage slicing.
+1@jeba да нет, Витëк наверное опять по гуслям орëт.
+1@Sadboye12 yeeep
+1@AtlasMilitaryIndustries @MtecCommand @FabioGalvao5679 thanks!
+1@BlackThuNDR Probably I'll try it next week, thanks for the idea.