to be honest, when I saw this, I hit myself VERY HARD on the forehead.
in american schools every girl should be armored?
Could your do tutorial about how did you did it?
@R3N13L i love to eat dogs
Hitler's Balls.
@Jsbxjsvdbhd да забил бы хер на рабов, комменты связанные с политикой, как я заметил, удаляют)
Its so cute what you used my codes for this tank, i hope what i can be your inspiration at the next time.
The walking dead
@MrMikazuki i love to eat dogs
@WarHawk95 are you seriously taking someone as a rival who really doesn't even know anything about Funky trees?🗿🗿🗿
@tylerdeveneuxmusic @Hellosss38 @WarHawk95 thanks
@tylerdeveneuxmusic thank you! I am subscribe.😉
I like Girl and Panzer, so much drifting
@LUPIN maybe cool, but old, I'll do new mobile friendly version, when I get a chance
@Sergio301 Team Fortress ?
And trucks
If you win, pls, make mods for android.
@TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig but it's sad, because it can't work on android.
@JuanNotAnAlt lmao
@xNotDumb @BeastHunter @Almost
Pls make centauro
@ShiroNeko But why does it move with the wind? Is this a function of the wing part?
Hiw it's work? 🤨
vicker light 105 easy hull and turret shape nice look
Чел, переименовать пушку, настроить ей урон и размер взрыва, скорость полёта снаряда, и всё это делается через ХМL , придумали год назад. ты сегодня:
Ai ai ai
Very cool!
@Sadboye12 thank your very much!
this is my craft. Due to some bug, my craft did not become the successor.
Press F to Bismarck.
@Euvand not tonk, this is cinnamon muffin
I started building tanks with a new approach, which improved the quality.
@Yourcrush thanks for the support!
@Eventkraken thanks
@Biscool thank you, all for my followers!
Thank for apvotes, @SodiumChloride @Evenstsrike333
@Gestour Oh, sorry, i am think about STG 44...
It's real, bro
@SILVERPANZER ну они хреновые были а это более менее, хотя тоже с косяками конкретными
whats the map?
@HabarMK37 надобно мне твое уважение
@HabarMK37 писать сначала научись
ну когда там карта для мобилок?)
oh no, my ugly FV 301... I have to rebuild it
@Quartz05 I am very grateful for the offer, but I will probably refuse, because I have already done what I wanted by the way, I respect your works, they are amazing
can I get the mg 34 one?
to be honest, when I saw this, I hit myself VERY HARD on the forehead.
+12in american schools every girl should be armored?
+8Could your do tutorial about how did you did it?
+6@R3N13L i love to eat dogs
+6Hitler's Balls.
+6@Jsbxjsvdbhd да забил бы хер на рабов, комменты связанные с политикой, как я заметил, удаляют)
+4Its so cute what you used my codes for this tank, i hope what i can be your inspiration at the next time.
+4The walking dead
+3@MrMikazuki i love to eat dogs
+3@WarHawk95 are you seriously taking someone as a rival who really doesn't even know anything about Funky trees?🗿🗿🗿
+3@tylerdeveneuxmusic @Hellosss38 @WarHawk95 thanks
+3@tylerdeveneuxmusic thank you!
+3I am subscribe.😉
I like Girl and Panzer, so much drifting
+2@LUPIN maybe cool, but old, I'll do new mobile friendly version, when I get a chance
+2@Sergio301 Team Fortress ?
+2And trucks
+2If you win, pls, make mods for android.
+2@TonnkatuTonnkatuThePig but it's sad, because it can't work on android.
+2@JuanNotAnAlt lmao
Pls make centauro
+2@ShiroNeko But why does it move with the wind? Is this a function of the wing part?
+2Hiw it's work? 🤨
+2vicker light 105
+2easy hull and turret shape
nice look
Чел, переименовать пушку, настроить ей урон и размер взрыва, скорость полёта снаряда, и всё это делается через ХМL , придумали год назад.
+2ты сегодня:
Ai ai ai
+2Very cool!
+2@Sadboye12 thank your very much!
+2this is my craft. Due to some bug, my craft did not become the successor.
+2Press F to Bismarck.
+2@Euvand not tonk, this is cinnamon muffin
+2I started building tanks with a new approach, which improved the quality.
+2@Yourcrush thanks for the support!
+2@Eventkraken thanks
+2@Biscool thank you, all for my followers!
+2Thank for apvotes, @SodiumChloride
@Gestour Oh, sorry, i am think about STG 44...
+2It's real, bro
+2@SILVERPANZER ну они хреновые были а это более менее, хотя тоже с косяками конкретными
+1whats the map?
+1@HabarMK37 надобно мне твое уважение
+1@HabarMK37 писать сначала научись
+1ну когда там карта для мобилок?)
+1oh no, my ugly FV 301...
+1I have to rebuild it
@Quartz05 I am very grateful for the offer, but I will probably refuse, because I have already done what I wanted
+1by the way, I respect your works, they are amazing
can I get the mg 34 one?