@MOPCKOEDNISHE Could you please tell me how did you do that wing on the bottom of the main screenshot (there is 5 different types of wings on that picture ) ? It looks like a bird's wing foil . I really need a wing like it . Thanks for attention !
@Hedero Well , that's your choice . I don't talk using my voice neither . I just send messages and pictures , when it comes to the conversation with unknown person .
I have installed What's App recently though .
@Hedero Contact me using this Discord tag "Shahram#3974" . I'll tell you everything and I'll show you some great pictures of the Ornithopter's flight . In the best case , we may become a good partners !
@RcAddict I can say , that Ornithopters fly like birds . Although , there's various types of Ornithopters . Most important thing is that Ornithopter must swing by wings to increase the lift . Here's an Ornithopter
@Nickk No problem ! Here's my birdlike Ornithopter ! You may parse it and build your own Ornithopter based on it . No need to credit it , just upload it as though this is your own project ! Good luck !
@KingPythagoras Hello Aquila! I think you'll like this Ornithopter , because it's perfectly built on the base of real bird ! It's not public though ... Anyway , I hope you like it . If you don't know how to fly on it , let me know ! I'll help !
Here's it https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/0lcb72/Black-Kite-New-Generation
@Nickk You're welcome! Are you interested in Ornithopters or in Birds ? If yes , I can help you to build your one . It's more interesting and exciting to make and fly on them then it looks . I'll post my best Birdlike Ornithopter , so you can check and analyze it . Also , I watch videos about bird's flight . If you really need a help and assistance , Join to our Discord community .
@Nickk No need to get upvotes . Just build what you want and enjoy , post it for yourself and friends , so they can check it . Personally and honestly , I have a tons of my best projects , but I'm not going to upload them without need .
@FCparis That's why I'm asking for help ... I'm just 16
@FCparis You won't need any device . In opposite , this work requires excellent understanding of physics and mathematics . I'm poor at math
@FCparis It's not about coding . It's about physics : vectors , calculations for velocity and acceleration
Are you good at physics and math ? I'd need some help with my Ornithopters ...
Worth of flying on it !
@FCparis Alright .
@MOPCKOEDNISHE Could you please tell me how did you do that wing on the bottom of the main screenshot (there is 5 different types of wings on that picture ) ? It looks like a bird's wing foil . I really need a wing like it . Thanks for attention !
@Footballdare It's OK dude , keep it on . Just don't forget to leave a link to my project
@Hedero No problem , I understand .
@Hedero Well , that's your choice . I don't talk using my voice neither . I just send messages and pictures , when it comes to the conversation with unknown person .
I have installed What's App recently though .
@Hedero You can use this link as well
@Hedero Contact me using this Discord tag "Shahram#3974" . I'll tell you everything and I'll show you some great pictures of the Ornithopter's flight . In the best case , we may become a good partners !
@Hedero Thanks . I can teach you if you want
Hello @Nickk , check your Discord messenger
Thank you all!
Oh , thank you ! I'm so happy to see it . @DustyT33
Happy birthday to you ! @ayou2005
@Strucker Thank you dude!
@Awsomur thx
@Awsomur It's up to you
@KingPythagoras Thanks for supporting me !
Hey there @Galeo ! It seems to me that you can code !
@Vidal99977 How did you do that with wings ? Is it mod ?
@XxDannehxX You are welcome!
@RcAddict Discord Channel
@RcAddict I can say , that Ornithopters fly like birds . Although , there's various types of Ornithopters . Most important thing is that Ornithopter must swing by wings to increase the lift . Here's an Ornithopter
@RcAddict You're welcome!
By the way , are you interested in Ornithopters ? Would you like to build one ?
Very nicely done !
@Strucker Thanks! But I think , birds of prey are much better than ducks . Still , good job!
Finally someone made a tutorial instead me ! Original version is in here
@Mmdben :)
I'll burn this little city ... Thanks for a chance @11qazxc
@David9487 Could you make something what can catch a bird ? Using winch with magnet , or a jet instead the winch ?
@WarHawk95 :)
@AWESOMENESS360 Looks like a kind of zerg from StarCraft 2 .
Mayhem is looming again ! Run everybody ! Run !
@Nickk A link of the Ornithopter for private observations
@Nickk No problem ! Here's my birdlike Ornithopter ! You may parse it and build your own Ornithopter based on it . No need to credit it , just upload it as though this is your own project ! Good luck !
@Nickk Very nicely done! Push it up !
@KingPythagoras Hello Aquila! I think you'll like this Ornithopter , because it's perfectly built on the base of real bird ! It's not public though ... Anyway , I hope you like it . If you don't know how to fly on it , let me know ! I'll help !
Here's it https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/0lcb72/Black-Kite-New-Generation
@BandicootNewSnipes Hello ! I just wanted to ask you are you interested in Ornithopters ? We may build them together !
Nice scratch
@Nickk I'm happy to hear that . Let me know if you have a problems with it
@BandicootNewSnipes :)
@BandicootNewSnipes Good intention and goal ! I believe , You'll become a great Engineer ! No doubt about it !
@BandicootNewSnipes Sorry for weird question . Could you tell me what University is it?
@Nickk You're welcome! Are you interested in Ornithopters or in Birds ? If yes , I can help you to build your one . It's more interesting and exciting to make and fly on them then it looks . I'll post my best Birdlike Ornithopter , so you can check and analyze it . Also , I watch videos about bird's flight . If you really need a help and assistance , Join to our Discord community .
@Nickk Hello ! Do you have a Simple Rockets in your PC ? I don't ...
@Nickk No need to get upvotes . Just build what you want and enjoy , post it for yourself and friends , so they can check it . Personally and honestly , I have a tons of my best projects , but I'm not going to upload them without need .
@Phoza I would like to join , but I can't , cause of the connection problem ...
@USSR You're welcome