111 shake92 Comments

  • CarrierAircraft02b 9.7 years ago

    I know, I made it with my phone (yes, it crushes very bad) and I am looking forward to download the PC version to enjoy it). It would be almost impossible to make it phone friendly... I also worked at a VTOL version but I lost the project due to a app failure. Thank you very much for the rating.

  • F4 Active/flight 9.7 years ago

    Thank you very much :)

  • Su-47 Berkut 10.1 years ago

    Thank you very much for the tips :). What I meant in the description "use yaw to takeoff" is due to the fact that you can control the frontal flaps with the left controller (usually used to yaw): this way, using flaps and elevators, takeoff is much easier at low speed. I needed to use VTOL engines in order to have more stability, I will try to make it work with regular engines. Thank you for your comment, I just started uploading some of my favourite planes and I sure need to improve my skills.