30 sunnythehero Comments

  • Our games are now free for education 5.7 years ago

    Can you add a physics aerodynamic arrows to the game
    That means there will be virtual arrows on the plane wing and on the body that shows the how the plane creates the force and momentum for moving the plane and Turing the plane(Ex:If you truned the plane right it shows that the wings RIGHT control surface moves up and the Left control surface moves down) This same thing should happen to every important part of the plane
    This can teach important Physical Aerodynamics to kids
    Thanks for reading
    And also can you fix the lag
    For every ten seconds the game lags a bit
    This same things happen to high graphics and low also thanks

  • Peel P60 3.6 years ago

    Oh yee welp that was kid me from 2years ago lel
    I know that little car that he has I mean Clarkson in bbc right in top gear

  • CH-47 Chinook 5.6 years ago

    @QingyuZhou nice sorry for the late reply

  • CH-47 Chinook 5.6 years ago

    @QingyuZhou watch this:https://youtu.be/ipQflH4nVUM

  • Peel P60 5.6 years ago

    @Yahyeet284883 oh I sorry if I offended you
    I just told it(that it looks like lawn mower)for joke

  • CH-47 Chinook 5.7 years ago

    Who here came to see this from the YouTube video

  • Desert Cargo(Medium size Cargo Plane) 5.7 years ago

    A tip for anyone who wants to make Gaint size plane for wings Use fuelage block on edges of the wings so it doesn't move

  • Desert Cargo(Medium size Cargo Plane) 5.7 years ago

    I deleted two post
    Thanks for Dllama4

  • Desert Cargo(Medium size Cargo Plane) 5.7 years ago

    @Dllama4 oops sorry I think I clicked the upload button three times

  • Peel P60 5.7 years ago

    Looks like a lawn mower
    And also it's P50

  • worlds smallest car 5.8 years ago

    @Diamondwolf Thanks I understood I will try to make make is so small

  • worlds smallest car 5.8 years ago

    @Diamondwolf What is Xml
    Sorry I am not using mods
    And also I am making these on Android

  • Cargo plane(with working deck) 5.9 years ago

    Sorry it has no air brakes

  • 9 power 5.9 years ago

    This plane is easy to built but I am working on a carogo plane with opening deck