3,365 sus232
Player Biography
I make simple planes in a game called... well you know...
dies of cringe
I am an Australian kid who studies for school then plays Simpleplanes in my free time. (I try to post stuff on the weekends, but sometimes I can't because I have to study for assesments.)
I am the CEO of my very own airplane manufacturer: HORNET AEROSPACE TM.
I make great planes for combat such as my
-A55 Crusader MK 1s, 2s, and 3s
-my HORNET 333 MUSTANGS MK 1s, 2s, and 3s.
-and my HORNET FIGHTER HF-1s, 2s, and 3s.
If you need help creating your own simpleplane (or not simpleplane), let me know.