0 tangotttong Comments

  • Realistic Turn Performance - AoA and G Limiter with PID Controller 2.1 years ago

    @Birdperson only this part: PID(Pitch,-(VerticalG-1)/6.33,0.2,0.8,0.06)

  • Simulated FBW 5.7 years ago

    i dont get what the canard is doing, explain please?

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.3 years ago


    Air-ground missile can and fire and hit air targets in a-g mode
    1. go to air-air mode and select any missile
    2. fully locked to an enemy
    3. switch to air-ground mode and press the fire missile button
    4. the A2G missile will fire, track and hit to the previously locked plane(not cleaver as it is a heavy
    recreation vdo: https://youtu.be/204QftV79Vs

    Edit: it work vice-versa( a-a weapon can fire in a-g mode)

  • The Ultimate Guide to Editing XML 7.1 years ago

    @Shootingstar07 i think you cant do that...