10.5k teodor99 Comments

  • Simpleplanes No jet ingine series 2.6 years ago

    so return of the superprops?

  • ANe-108 2.6 years ago

    @Marine ah its alright

  • ANe-108 2.6 years ago

    hmm interesting design but now im curious about the building behind

  • Jundroo-City 2.6 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot ye tagged me?

  • Boxy 4WD Group B (100 Rally Challenge) 2.6 years ago

    where to get the wheels?

  • SCB-2 Scout Bomber 2.6 years ago

    you good sir have done well. have a free upvote

  • M4A51 'MusTank' 2.7 years ago

    hmm. thats not a sherman XD

    only joking. funny build

  • M4A3 Sherman 2.7 years ago

    @Sparky6004 disregard last comment. i looked a bit further and noticed some M4 models have the HVSS suspension. but said models were also paired with a 105mm howitzer. the closest 2 models would be M4A4 105 or M4A3 105E [E for Early]

  • M4A3 Sherman 2.7 years ago

    @Sparky6004 so i was right that there was something off?

  • Realism Aircraft folder 2.7 years ago

    @handitover the flame is already out.

  • M4A3 Sherman 2.7 years ago

    @WarHawk95 interesting. i havent heard of a M4A3 with the M4 Front so it was a bit odd to me.

    since the M4A3 is the M4A2 with the Ford GAA engine while the M4 being a M4A1 with the early Welded hull.

    so my first impression was the M4 with the HVSS

  • F4Q Super Corsair 2.7 years ago

    @DieLoaf ok

  • M4A3 Sherman 2.7 years ago

    hmm. not the right hull so.... M4 HVSS?

  • F4Q Super Corsair 2.7 years ago

    @DieLoaf i think he named it F4Q for making it a completely different reason

  • Wishlists and ideas 2.7 years ago

    hopefully these small ideas are helpful to the community

  • Realism Aircraft folder 2.7 years ago

    @Mlancer actually that really is an interesting idea so good request. atleast in my opinion

  • Jagdpanzer 4/70 (V) 2.7 years ago

    @X4JB "Anyway this is still very fast for my standards." i thought ye rushed the build. sorry for misunderstanding

  • Jagdpanzer 4/70 (V) 2.7 years ago

    its still a great build. but dont rush yerself ol chap. take yer time on what ye wish to build and just have fun.

  • Can anyone help me make this tabk good? 2.7 years ago

    what ye mean plain? the design is good. all ye need to do is just add some exhaust and radiators. some antennas, hatches and etc. just put some more time. its a good start. you can do it

  • EL-37 "N052, Little Mouse" 2.7 years ago

    @DragoransEscarti i see. very interesting story tho

  • EL-37 "N052, Little Mouse" 2.7 years ago

    my biggest question. how did these tanks fail the 1st invasion?

  • Republic P-97 Bulldog 2.7 years ago

    @FeatherWing good idea tho

  • Republic P-97 Bulldog 2.7 years ago

    @FeatherWing nah. design doesnt match it...

  • Republic P-97 Bulldog 2.7 years ago

    its a great design. but i cant work my head around if its supposed to be a fighter or a CAS aircraft.

  • Messerschmitt Bf-109F "Friedrich" 2.7 years ago

    interesting design. tho i must wonder... what would the ultimate 109 become?

    now thinking about it. why not do that as a fun challenge Ultimate fighter model. taking iconic planes and making our vision of the ultimate of the fighters.

  • CURSED Gloster Gladiator 2.7 years ago

    whats cursed about it?

  • Realism Aircraft folder 2.7 years ago

    @rexzion ok

  • Realism Aircraft folder 2.7 years ago

    @Alvin77TheUser its been a while since he has done anything.

  • Sealth CHALLANGE! (CLOSED) 2.8 years ago

    @catzilla its spotlighted

  • Sealth CHALLANGE! (CLOSED) 2.8 years ago

    @catzilla no. i cant make stealthy planes. neither am i known for stealth. being more noisy than the hillybilly american attack memes so... id lose at once

  • Sealth CHALLANGE! (CLOSED) 2.8 years ago

    best way to build stealth is to not build at all. after all let the enemy try to find it

  • can someone recreate this 2.8 years ago

    i lack the skill

  • can someone recreate this 2.8 years ago


  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 2.8 years ago

    @FeatherWing well its more dedication than my attempts. most planes i make i spend maybe an hour and then say its finished and start on a new model

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 2.8 years ago

    i must admit. you have improved extremely well with your planes. absolutely amazing.

  • p-400 2.8 2.8 years ago

    @divisor glad to hear. what you can do is using fuselage parts to streamline the wings and use the mirror function to copy all work from 1 side to the other. it should make most of the work much more easier as you dont need to worry about being precise on both sides.

  • p-400 2.8 2.8 years ago

    wouldnt say its a P-400 but close.... you did well but improvements are needed.

  • P-32b lead flinger 2.8 years ago

    its interesting. serving as an interwar plane with a 6 cylinder radial and 4x guns.

  • Prototype 108 2.8 years ago

    oh.... forgot about that.... piss

  • Prototype 108 2.8 years ago

    @99807 did what?

  • M4A4 Sherman 2.8 years ago

    @NotNiki i know. and i try to avoid editing. but everyone has a limit.

  • [TEASER] Messerschmitt 262 2.9 years ago

    @ManManTheWeaponsMan no worries

  • [TEASER] Messerschmitt 262 2.9 years ago

    eeh. image standpoint it looks a bit flattened. maybe some rework on the tail and lowering the cockpit would make it look much more pleasing

  • WW2-Aircraft-Challenge[Closed] 2.9 years ago

    @Bryan5 cool.

  • WW2-Aircraft-Challenge[Closed] 2.9 years ago

    custom aircraft allowed?

  • Citadel 2.9 years ago

    at this rate i wonder if someones gonna make a combine map to destroy

  • He-112 (Light Shark) 2.9 years ago

    bit of a nitpick and thats the wrong gun placement. the He-112 had the option for 2x nose mounted machine guns and 2x cannons [1 per wing] other variants had 1 motor cannon or just the 2x machine guns.

  • NAA F-52-D Bronco 2.9 years ago

    and that should cover the excuse

    good design tho

  • NAA F-52-D Bronco 2.9 years ago

    in 1946 with the realization industrial problems for allied nations were not going to recover in time if a soviet invasion came the surplus F-51 Mustangs were salvaged to be rebuilt with jet engines as a stopgap method until factories could be made for developing new aviation industries. following the Designation F-52, the aicraft remained as a capable stopgap fighter for nearly 7 years.

  • Anything is Possible with German Engineering 2.9 years ago

    win a war with german engineering
