139 thetexantrumpeteer Comments

  • What should I make 8.4 years ago

    @HeatedWafflez Delphinus is right actually. I'm one of the least creative people I know, but if I have an idea, ill build something rough and go off of that. I'm currently in the process of building a fast-attack bomber, and while it does fly, it isn't well built. Have faith in yourself man.

  • Tips to get your plane featured. 9.1 years ago

    Don't forget how it looks. People care about how it looks

  • Millennium Falcon 9.1 years ago

    Oh my god that has to be the single greatest thing I've flown in this game. You need to build a star destroyer now, because that is the only thing that could possibly top this magnificent craft you have built

  • flying wing (wip) nose heavy 9.5 years ago

    @ramjet it's a really good plane. It lagged my phone and caused me to crash......but it was a nice crash

  • Stunt Rocket 9.5 years ago

    Wasn't this a submission in the last great jet challenge

  • Flying wing challenge by thetexantrumpeteer 9.5 years ago

    Best of luck @ramjet. Protip, primary wing attached to plane, elevators attached to wing

  • F78 Falcon v.2 9.5 years ago

    Correction. Top speed is actually closer to 700

  • F78 Falcon 9.5 years ago

    Yes I do notice the RCS thruster in the background